The wheel has caught another speed with the demonstration that has taken place after January, but we still do not know where it will lead. They will then say that mobilizations do not matter. See also in the Gamonal district of Burgos. If mobilizations are successful and are incorporated at a time appropriate to other situations, they are a great catalyst for ideas. In the case of Bilbao, the novelty was that the PNV was present at that demonstration, hand in hand with EH Bildu, and that is what has given more strength to the new situation. He and the crowd gathered, of course.
But will it bring a new situation? Who knows, but the current strongly pushes in that direction of the peace process and will be much stronger if pp continues to make no movement in that sentido.Quizá is being sought: In the Basque Country, even if it is lost, in Spain it wins. Citizens are very angry when the authorities do not want them to be told anything, and that pressure always comes from somewhere, either through elections or on the street.
This is an old affair, the 1987 Ajuria Enea Pact also pointed out in point 10 that if there was an opportunity to achieve peace through dialogue, it would have to be encouraged, provided that political issues were left exclusively to the parties. The pact agglutinated most of the political forces from AP (antecedent of pp) to EA.
In the last two years it is clearer than ever that peace is not just the absence of ETA attacks, that many other issues need to be addressed in order to achieve a stable state of peace: the reading of the past, the victims, the prisoners, the identities, the languages, the rights… Everything that any society that has experienced a strong conflict must channel so that it does not repeat itself in the future and the problems that arise are resolved through the past.
There they signed the Good Friday Agreement 15 years ago and they are continuing with the problems. However, they have no prejudices to speak and with 2013 an intense experience of dialogue, the so-called Haass talks, has ended.
Unionist and Republican parades have problems and sometimes there are incidents. They have problems with the symbols, especially the flags, and at the beginning of 2013, caused by the unionists, there were serious disturbances in Belfast when the City Hall decided that the British flag would not be put every day – only in 25 days marked –. And above all, the biggest problem they have is that of reading the past, because the truth, about justice and about the story, the perspectives are different from each other.
That is why the self-government of Northern Ireland agreed last July to begin a process of talks under the supervision of the American mediator, Richard Haass, with the aim of reaching agreements on the three main subjects mentioned. The unionist DUP party and the UUP, the Irish nationalist SDLP and the inter-Community Sinn Féin and the alliance have held talks for six months, Haasse has submitted seven drafts and finally did not reach an agreement on 31 December, after both unionist formations rejected it. But they have tried and announced that they will follow the talks shortly.
It can be said that it is another process, another situation, that has nothing to do with this -- what you want, but they are trying to reach an agreement there. According to the peace agreement, unionists and Republicans jointly govern, in this case the DUP (which may be similar to the right-wing sector of pp) and Sinn Fein, which was the civilian branch of anger. They're on the opposite sides in a lot of things, but they don't have pretexts of ethical or other soils. They know that in the last 15 years the peace built through the agreement and dialogue has done them a great good, they know that there is no turning back, but they know that the solution of the problems they have is important for their coexistence. They have the disease, nobody knows how this new phase will unblock, because unionism has used the veto of the majority. But they all say that they will continue to speak and that they will soon start again.
If it is not from the point of view of revenge, it is not understood that the path of dialogue is not taken here either. With the current attitude of pp, history cannot have a good ending.
Ekintza “indartsuagoak eta determinatuagoak” iragarri dituzte, euskal presoen auziaren konponbidean Frantziako Gobernuaren “borondate eza” ikusita.
Larunbatean Donostiako Bulebarretik abiatu zen preso gaixoen aldeko manifestazioak milaka lagun bildu zituen. Sarek antolaturiko ekimenak arratsaldeko bostak aldera ekin zion ibilbideari “Larriki gaixo dauden euskal presoak etxera. Giza eskubideak. Konponbidea... [+]
Bere jarrera argi utzi du EAJk. Bat-bateko aldaketarik eman ezean, ez da Sarek antolatutako presoen aldeko manifestaziora joango urtarrilaren 10ean. Iazko manifestazioan egon bazen, egoera “ezohikoa” zelako izan zela esan du alderdi jeltzaleak.
Azken hilabeteetako gertakariei buruz ETAk egiten duen irakurketa argitaratu du Gara egunkariak. Erakunde armatuak urtarrilaren 11ko manifestazioa “inflexio une” gisa hartu du eta “urrats esanguratsuak” iragarri ditu gatazkaren konponbidera bidean.
In this year that has just ended, there are two things that have completely marked the scope of Basque political prisoners.
On the one hand we have the ruling that has come from Strasbourg and on the other hand the Social Forum that has come from different actors who have... [+]
Manifestazioek ez dute espetxe politikarik aldatzen Jorge Fernandez Díaz Espainiako Barne ministroaren esanetan, baina PPn mugimenduak ekartzen dituzte. Asteazkenean Arantza Quiroga EAEko popularren burua eta Mariano Rajoy Espainiako presidentea bildu dira eta erabaki... [+]
Gaur Deia egunkarian Hasier Arraiz Sortuko presidenteak idatzitako iritzi artikuluan, Bilboko manifestazioaren deitzaile izan ziren guztien eskuzabaltasuna eta ardura politikoa nabarmendu ditu, eta batik bat EAJren EBBko presidente Andoni Ortuzarren jarrera. Manifestazio... [+]
Aste honetan ARGIA berezia argitaratuko dugu joan den larunbatean Bilbon egin zen konponbidearen aldeko manifestazioa jorratzeko.
Josu Erkoreka Eusko Jaurlaritzako bozeramaileak balorazio positiboa egin du “Giza eskubideak, konponbidea, bakea” manifestazioaz. Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Gobernu Batzordearen ostean egin ditu adierazpenak.
Andoni Ortuzar EAJko EBBko presidenteak adierazi du sei hilabeteko epean Euskal Herriko gatazka konpontzeko prozesuak “aurrerapen esanguratsuak” izatea espero duela.