The leading role of citizenship to advance
BeƱat Zarrabeitia @bzarrabeitia 2014ko urtarrilaren 23a

Although there is still time to make a proper analysis of all the events of recent months, we can already make a clear observation: the cross-cutting mass that constitutes the social majority of Basque society is not prepared to accept the obstacles and obstacles that the Spanish Government is putting against the solution. The attacks on Herrira or the EPPK have been rejected by a majority, which applauded the Strasbourg judgment, the new steps taken by political prisoners and the mobilisation of 11 January.

Moncloa has regained the strategy of involution, in the skirts of concrete victims of ETA, the ultra-right lobby and the Civil Guard and Judge Velasco. This situation has made many people in the Basque Country feel outraged by concrete acronyms. In fact, one of the main keys to the process and unilaterality is to create the right conditions for a solution in the Basque Country. Modify the development of the game by moving a piece. Despite the fact that the Government has placed the cards in the opposite direction, a social agreement has been found. Yes, with nuances, a large majority of Basque society is calling for new policies and social offers in different directions, including respect for human rights and progress on the issue of political prisoners.

The mobilisation of Bilbao is a sign of this. It was not a mere sum of acronyms, although necessarily the conveners were the majority parties and the most voted, but something that goes much further.

Unfortunately, in the context of a conflict, suffering and brutal political polarisation, we have seen many citizens caught up behind a particular political party or culture, but a new social perspective is already perceived. It is much more open and joins the need for a solution. One of the first points of this confluence is the change in prison policy.

Majorities must be formed that outweigh the acronyms and tight political positions. Because it's possible to bring about change, we citizens need to take a leading role. The search for the will and energy of many people will make the goal closer. Communication, conviction, based on different levels of commitment, without dogmatism and with seduction and joint work among people of different sensibilities.

Surely, if in the summer of 1989 someone had said that the Berlin Wall was going to fall shortly afterwards, they would have taken him for a madman. But life, the world and history are filled with impossible things that have become possible.