New year, new time, new challenges
Garbiñe Biurrun Mancisidor 2014ko urtarrilaren 16a
Every year comes a new year. Every year, at least once a year, we give ourselves a new opportunity to make old aspirations. But since the choice given to us is repeated over and over again, we tend to take it too lightly.
Years go by and they come, but that wheel has its limit. Our life is limited, and that is why we have the biological haste to see ourselves realized with our intentions and illusions.
In the previous article I asked if we lived better against ETA and, of course, the answer was clear to me: we are all going to live better in a society free of violence, because we are all going to live.
Well, the new year gives us a special opportunity to build a new society. In recent days ETA prisoners and ex-prisoners have made important statements: they have taken care of the damage caused; they have renounced violence and accepted peaceful political paths; they have joined the new situation and put their experience at the service of the democratic political process. It was time. But, even if it is late, I have to welcome this statement. On the one hand, because it shows that there is strong cohesion in the world that moves around ETA; on the other, because the commitment of these people is fundamental to the future.
These people have committed very serious crimes, have violated human rights, have caused a great deal of pain and unfair and have spread pain and pain in our people. These prisoners have also suffered a great deal – although this suffering has been mostly legal and fair – and this gives special value to their attitude. These people put their political ideas on other people's fundamental rights. Now, in keeping with those ideas, we have been moved by the commitment to act through the political channels. It would not have been easy, no, after so much suffering, to assume that this suffering has been useless.
On the other hand, there has been much speculation about the situation of ETA. I do not know what the specific situation is, of course, but it is clear that the majority of ETA members – if not all – have made a clear commitment to the democratic political process. This gives the citizens peace of mind, which demonstrates the lack of political effectiveness with regard to the future and violence. I know that the majority of society already existed in that belief long ago, but at this point, taking that qualitative step to prisoners and ex-prisoners is a great achievement in underscoring Basque society.
Achievement, because no one today defends the value of violence and, in some way, recognizes the injustice and legitimacy of harm. Achievement, because all ideas will compete on the political stage without any threat. The achievement, finally, because it is pointed out that those of us who were in favour of everyone’s rights were right.
I hope that statement by the prisoners will not be the last. More commitments are needed: They must help to bring about the dissolution of ETA, they must direct clearer words to the victims and transfer their error to this society.
However, as we said, the step has been fundamental. Now, all the other players have – we already have – work to consolidate peace and political normalisation. That is, our eternal and renewed challenge, full of hope. Let's see if no one breaks that hope.