Bernie Fisher, Indianako Unibertsitateko teknologia digitalean aditua, programa informatiko berritzailea garatzen ari da antzinako Erromako villa ederrenetakoari, Villa Adrianari, jatorrizko distira itzultzeko. Villa Adrianaren proiektu digitala iragan astean aurkeztu zuten Washingtonen, baina eraikin multzoan ibilaldi birtuala egin ahal izateko hamabi eta hemezortzi hilabete bitartean falta dira oraindik. Bitartean, webguneak bost urteko ikerketa lanen berri ematen du, Erroma ekialdean dagoen villa-ren arrastoen egungo egoera xehetasun osoz azaltzeko.
The evolution that the Internet has taken over the last 15 years, together with its technological and business model, makes us think that it is a tool to increase the worst aspects of humanity. Around the world, agents have been created that are not satisfied with this idea... [+]
We know that artificial intelligence is representing many fields in human beings: comfort, speed, efficiency ... We've been led to believe that human endeavor is an obstacle to the speed needs of this capitalist world. The aggressions to reduce our chances of doing, doing and... [+]
A father from Bilbao has asked me about the secondary education protocol being developed at the AMPA around mobiles.
As I read on the website of the Basque Government, in January 2024 there was talk in schools about the regulation of mobiles, that there will be no prohibition... [+]