For those who hoped for a significant consensus on carbon emissions, the Warsaw climate summit has been a failure, as has all the previous ones in terms of concrete achievements.
On this occasion, it was China and India that did not want to accept the status of developed states, which is the one that has to pay those who have that status. The United States, Europe, India and China are responsible for more than 90% of global carbon emissions, while disasters caused by climate change are borne by most states of the world, except the United States and Europe (or on a much smaller scale).
Rich States call others: “What about the carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere?” “Yes, but the current greenhouse effect is a consequence of what you have poured out over the past century,” the developing states reply.
In today ' s economy, the rich northern states have brought dirty industrial processes to poor southern states, and their development is being built on dirt. Its adverse effects (floods, typhoons, droughts) are mainly caused by the peoples of the South.
The rich countries are willing to pay something to keep the landfill sources in the South, and they are interested in China and India being among them, to distribute what needs to be paid the most.
The damage caused by climate change is increasingly affecting the awareness of more human beings and this is manifested in assemblies such as that in Warsaw. Unfortunately, more and more natural disasters will be needed if practical agreements are to be reached.
There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]
The understanding and interpretation of the mathematical language is what is important in the learning process, at least it is what we say to our students. The language of mathematics is universal, and in general, the margin of error for interpretation tends to be small. We... [+]