Demonstration in Tafalla for the right to study in Euskera
Onintza Irureta Azkune @oirureta 2013ko abenduaren 04a

The popular initiative Euskaraz Bizi and Ikasi, newly created, has called a demonstration for 14 December in Tafalla. The zoning of Navarre is suspended and the children claim the right to study in Basque.

The initiative has denounced the territorial division of linguistic rights promoted by the Government of Navarre, and which has its legal limits in the mixed and non-Basque area.

Those who have launched the initiative are from non-Basque areas and believe that people who live in areas called “non-Basque areas” and “mixed areas” live daily borders that are not known anywhere else in the world. The Law of Vascuence divides us from the right to study in Basque.”