The colonization of space with current technology is going to be very difficult for the human being, because our body is made to live with gravity.
Since satellites began to expand in the last century, thousands of animals have been sent for testing. In June 1991, 2,478 jellyfish were sent on the Columbia satellite in the form of a polyp. Scientists were trying to analyze how these animals' movements were due to gravity and how their lack would affect them.
Jellyfish were born, grown and multiplied in space, and 60,000 copies of space came to Earth years later. Those born in space lived well while they were in space, but when they landed they had many abnormalities because of gravity. Scientists have not dared to extrapolate what happened to jellyfish, but it's very possible that the same thing happens to us if we put ourselves in that situation. It would be a great difficulty on the road to the colonization of space.
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