Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Azala behar du!

Gonbidapen bat medio Tenerifen izan berria naiz. Baita txundituta bueltatu ere. Ez nuen berehalakoan usteko, halako baso eta paisaiarik topatuko nituenik. Teide sumendi erraldoiak laino jende berezi bat eransten dio uharteari eta bertako pinu endemikoak (Pinus canariensis) pinudi ikusgarriak osatu ditu. 
Sumendiaren magaleko pinua da. Sumendiak eta biek elkarrekin egin dute aurrera. Sutearekin elkarbizitzen ikasi duen pinua da. Hasteko izugarrizko azal lodiz janzten da, suari eta haren beroari aurre egiteko. Eta errez gero, beste pinuek ez duten ernaberritzeko gaitasuna du. Erretako adarrak berriz orriz jantziz edo altsuma berriak emanez.

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With total conviction
I have not been a safe voter for some time. One day, the conviction decided to sit in the shadow of a rod, and life led me forward, far from shore. Since then it's not all, and I'm in a mood.

2020-06-11 | Jakoba Errekondo
Did you know that there are trees that lose their leaves in June?
We have the longest days of the year and great changes come for whoever wants, for whoever wants. The daylight, which is long and long, begins to shorten and shorten. It will bring winter to the mind of plants. These trees that we feel are not losing their leaves in winter, are... [+]

2019-04-03 | ARGIA
Pine disease has already contaminated more than 95,000 hectares in the CAV
More than 35,000 hectares of very damaged pine forests and 60,000 other areas affected by the disease are already in the CAV, affected by the spillage of fungi that destroy trees. The area affected by this disease has doubled in recent months, according to the Economic... [+]

2019-03-04 | Naturkon
"They plan to carry out experimental treatment with cuprous oxide in 1,050 hectares"
Madrid has not authorised the aerial treatment of pines of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia with cuprous oxide. However, the Basque Government has ensured that it does not rule out that it can be authorised from now on if it is demonstrated that the treatment is effective and that... [+]

2019-02-26 | ARGIA
"The Challenges of Forestry in the Basque Country of the 21st Century": the debate by Villabona can be seen in video
The Alkartasuna Foundation (Eusko Alkartasuna) gathered around a table in Amasa-Villabona five people with different and qualified opinions on the subject. The foundation has made a video of the controversial debate that has taken place between them and them.

Administrations use a company charged for environmental offences in the training of the timber sector
Faced with the serious crisis of the intensive wood production model, last December the Basque Government organised a technical training session for forest owners, with the participation of representatives of the company Bosque 2000. This technical conference was organized by... [+]

Aitziber Sarobe, Naturkon
"Pinar is a metaphor for the situation of the primary sector"
On February 5, biologist and member of Naturkone Aitziber Sarobe offered a talk in Soraluze under the title A new forestry policy for Gipuzkoa. The guest talked about pine disease and the jungle crisis, and he gave "keys to understanding what's going on."

2019-01-11 | ARGIA
Naturkone presents motions against the fumigation of pines in several municipalities of Gipuzkoa
The Naturkon association, which brings together several environmental and naturalist groups, has tabled a motion in several municipalities in Gipuzkoa urging municipalities to ban the fumigation of pine trees with cuprous oxide on their grounds and urging owners and citizens not... [+]

2018-12-17 | ARGIA
Naturkone reproaches Councillor Tapia to lie about pine fumigation
The Naturkon association, a meeting point of several environmental groups, has accused Councillor Arantza Tapia of lying on permits to spray cuprous rust pine trees from the air and has asked him to correct in public what he has said.

2018-12-17 | ARGIA
Bilbao Medical Science Academy against fumigating pine trees
This Basque Autonomous Community association has asked the authorities not to fumigate pine trees affected by harmful fungi using copper oxide because that would be harmul to public health and the environment.

2018-12-10 | ARGIA
The Academy of Medical Sciences of Bilbao asks not to smoke pinares by air with cuprous oxide
The Academy of Medical Sciences of Bilbao BMZA, born in 1895 and over 120 years old, has today asked the authorities of the Basque Autonomous Community not to use fumigations of cuprous oxide on pines affected by this disease, which will harm the health of the local population... [+]

2018-11-20 | Naturkon
Pinuaren gaitzaren inguruan hainbat urrats egin ditzala eskatu dio Naturkonek Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari

Joan den asteazkenean, hilak 7, helarazitako gutun baten bidez, hainbat eskaera luzatu dio Naturkon Gipuzkoa kolektiboak Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari, pinuari eraso dion onddoaren eta haren aurka jarduteko Aldundiak hartutako erabakiaren inguruan. Zehazki, galdetu dio zer... [+]

2018-11-16 | Jakoba Errekondo
What is the mountain and the forest for?

Bedaio is celebrated every year on a Sunday of the days when the few and November love each other. One more year, with a table to offer the manual LandarLantzen 2019, made with the great Olariaga, and to try to clarify the questions and doubts of the people. On the left, Koro... [+]

2018-10-31 | Jakoba Errekondo
Solid pine colours

The landscape of pine has been blackened, especially that of pine insignis (Pinus radiata). It's also known as black pine or rapid pine. Black pine, in fact, has blackened the landscape of the mountains in which it has grown, and its pine forests are black at all times of the... [+]

2018-10-24 | Maite Aristegi
Pinu intsignisa: urre berdea izurrite gorri

Urre berdea zena izurrite gorri bihurtu zaigu. Eta gurera ere iritsi da pinuak ihartzen dituen onddo dontsu hori! Dozena bat urtera gure jubilazio sarrerak osatzeko balio behar zuena, bota eta huskeria baten truke eman behar. Eta ingurukoak ere berdin: dirutzak galtzeaz gain,... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude