The French Consumer Organisation has analysed 92 red and white red wines, in which many indications of pesticides have been detected. The amounts found have been small in all cases, below the level that can be considered toxic, as indicated. At the same time, however, they have warned of the lack of legal rules in this area.
Most grapes and fruits, before being consumed, must comply with the European Maximum Residue Limit (MRL), but for juices coming from these fruits, including wines, there is nothing like MRL.
Controlling the level of pesticides in grapes can give some certainty to wine, but what happens if you drink wine every day or often? Can the accumulation of pesticides have negative health effects? And when you apply artificial chemical elements to wine grapes ...
In no wine label will we see a text that represents the quantities of pesticides or similar substances, since there is no cellar that measures it by itself. The advice given in this situation is similar to that given for all foods; if we bring them to wines, we would say that we will try to drink wines from different places and types, because in this way we will avoid the accumulation of certain substances.
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