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Euskal LOMCErik ez, eskerrik asko

Nola egin aurre Espainiako Kongresuak onartu berri duen LOMCE legeari? Cristina Uriarte Eusko Jaurlaritzako Hezkuntza sailburuak 2020rako hezkuntza eredu propioa garatuko duen Heziberri ekimena eztabaidatu zuen joan den astean ikas-komunitateko hainbat eragilerekin; aurrerapausoa da, baina bitartean inposatuko zaigun erreformari nola erantzungo zaio? Madrilgo Gobernuarekin elkarrizketa eta negoziazioa defendatu du orain arte Uriartek, eta aurrerantzean ere legea EAErako leuntzen saiatuko den susmoa dute eragileek, hondamendia ahalik eta txikiena izan dadin. Baina “Euskal LOMCErik” ere ez dutela nahi eta bide bakarra erreforma ez aplikatzea dela argi du ikas-komunitateak.

Kataluniako Gobernuak egin duen moduan, Jaurlaritzak ere legeari (osotasunari, zati bati, edozein moldaketari…) irmoki uko egitea. Hori da hezkuntza komunitateko eragile ia denek eskatzen dutena, azken hilabeteotako protesta, agerraldi eta manifestazioetan argi geratu denez. Haatik, Uriartek, hizkuntza eta konpetentzia kontuetan eskua sartuz EAErako LOMCE alternatibo bat paktatu eta horretarako adostasun ahalik eta zabalena bilatu nahi ote duen, horren beldur dira asko. Horien artean, Ikoitz Arrese Ikasle Abertzaleak (IA) taldeko kidea. IA ez zuten bilerara gonbidatu, kurioski ez ikasle antolakunderik ez sindikaturik ez baitzuen gonbidatu sailburuak.

Intsumisioaren bidean, ikas-komunitatearen laguntza izango luke Jaurlaritzak (PPrena ezik), eta aldi berean, ikas-komunitateak instituzioen babesa izatea (Nafarroako Gobernuarena ez dutela jakina da) funtsezkoa litzateke desobedientziaren bide hori urratzeko. Azken finean, denon konplizitateak eta elkarlanak baino ez du bermatuko arrakastarako aukera. Badaude boikoterako formulak, baina irakasle, ikasle, guraso, ikastetxeko langile eta politikari, indarrak batuta soilik egin dakioke planto Wert erreformari. Indar horren erakusle izan da urriaren 12an legearen aurka eginiko manifestazioa eta horregatik, ez du inongo mesederik egin EAJk eta PSEk manifestaziora ordezkaririk bidali ez izanak (dauden estrategia eta beharbada helburu ezberdinen lekuko).

Laburrean, eduki homogeneo eta zentralistetan oinarritutako curriculum espainiarra, ikasle “txarra” lehenbailehen alboratzen duen ibilbidea, ezagutza memoristikoa eta akademikoa hobesten, konpetentzien filosofia baztertzen eta euskara kaltetzen dituen eredu ekonomizista ekarriko du lege berriak. Tinkoa izan zen erantzuna larunbatean: LOMCEri ez! Ez Espainiakoa, ez EAErako leundutakoa, ez inolakoa.

You are interested in the channel: Ikasle Abertzaleak
2024-10-31 | Leire Ibar
From Thursday to Sunday the Socialist Gazte Topagune is held in Alsasua
On the "road to the consolidation of the socialist alternative", GKS and IA have agreed on the need to organize spaces for debate, reflection and vindication, and have organized the Socialist Gazte Topagune. It will be in Altsasu, from Thursday to Sunday.

Students claim socialist education system in student strike on March 20
High school, vocational and university students have been on strike. The ordinary activity of schools has been paralyzed and streets have been taken against “business and imposition” education in Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria and Pamplona. Since the first hour of the... [+]

Hezkuntza “pribatizaziotik” ateratzeko, borroka

Ikasle Abertzaleak taldeak grebarako deia egin du martxoaren 20rako. Negozioen eta inposizioen hezkuntza borrokatu goiburuarekin manifestazioa ere eginen dute 12:00etan Iruñeko Foruen Plazatik aterata. Unibertsitatera sartu aurretik eta goi mailako ikasketak egiterako... [+]

On 13 March Ikasle Abertzaleak organizes a strike
The members of Ikasle Abertzaleak meet in the Basque Parliament to call for a student strike by 13 March. “In recent months we have launched fighting processes in the centers and campuses of Euskal Herria and now we believe it is time to take a step further.”

2023-09-19 | Gedar
They demand the freedom of Leioa 5 in Altsasu
The '5 de Leioa' will be tried on 27 September as part of a student mobilization on the Leioa campus in 2016. They ask for sanctions of EUR 45,000 and 40 years. This week there will also be mobilizations in the regions of five involved and in Leioa.

2023-09-18 | Mikel Eizagirre
"The legitimacy of political militancy must be defended, without any conditions"
In April 2016, 5 Leioa were arrested in a protest against student repression. The trial will take place after seven years, on 27 September, and 39.5 years of imprisonment and 45,000 euros of compensation will be required. At the door of the trial we met two of them in Pamplona,... [+]

The Mobile School, organized by Ikasle Abertzaleak, will start on Thursday and end on Saturday
In this edition they will go through Eskoriatza, Aretxabaleta and Aramaio. For three days they have organised workshops, bertsolaris, conferences, concerts, etc. They explain that the objective is to be a “space for reflection and political formation”.

The Socialist Gazte Topagune will be held from 11 to 15 October in the Region of Pamplona
The socialist meeting is organized by the Young Socialist Coordinator and the National Students. "Build a socialist alternative to collect, deepen and disseminate the political culture of socialism," they explain.

Concentrations against selectivity on the campuses of Hego Euskal Herria
The organization Ikasle Abertzaleak denounces that selectivity is a mechanism to deepen educational elitization. They emphasize that it is another obstacle in the educational process of students with less resources.

Thousands of people claim socialist education system in student strike on March 30
On the day of the strike on March 30, the demonstrations called by the National Students took to the streets in Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria and Pamplona under the motto "Before the education of entrepreneurs, the working students fight".

Basque Nationalist students call on Thursday for a strike to denounce that education is controlled by large entrepreneurs
The National Students have considered that we have an "education by economic elites", that the relations between companies and educational centers, the force that is placed in certain areas of knowledge, the disciplinary function, the control systems... The four capitals of Hego... [+]

One student has been detained at the UPV campus in Vitoria-Gasteiz and four have been identified in Ibaeta
On Wednesday, the student of Vitoria-Gasteiz is held during the March 30 strike propaganda. Ikasle Abertzaleak meets to report the arrest. On Thursday morning, police have identified four students on Ibaeta campus.

2023-02-01 | ARGIA
The DMA calls the demonstration because the UPV wants to open file to 34 students
In the course of 2021-2022, the National Students convened a student strike on March 24. The police arrested 34 students in Vitoria and in recent months the UPV/EHU has sent them a letter informing them of the opening of the files. He would run the risk of expulsion from... [+]

2022-12-05 | ARGIA
The Socialist Movement denounces police persecution and requests for collaboration
Two members of the Socialist Movement denounce continued persecution by the police. The judicial proceedings they had opened have offered support to the militants in the face of possible damages that may affect them in the future, with the aim of obtaining information in... [+]

2022-11-02 | Gedar
Young people arrested in Vitoria on student strike on 24 March start declaring
On the campus of Vitoria, 34 students were arrested on the strike called by the DMA on 24 March and accused of causing "public disorder". They must declare until January.

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