We know that young people are suffering a tremendous unemployment rate. A few months ago, in this same column, I gave some data, both from the state and from the Basque Country of the South. The situation has not improved in recent times, although the Spanish Government considers it a feat that the number of unemployed registered in August is decreasing by 31 people. They did not mention that Social Security lost nearly a hundred thousand people in August of this year. Those are true and worrying data.
Seeing that it is very difficult to find employment, many young people delay leaving the labour market. Here we have a lot of young people doing master's and doctoral studies. In this way, it will take another 3-4 years before you start looking for a job. And then?
Marx told us a long time ago that for capitalism to work well, that is, for capitalists to get profit rates, it was very important to form the army of the unemployed (industry). So this army of unemployed people will keep the rents under pressure to make them as low as possible. Everything is happening today and the unions have little force to avoid this situation. And this situation is exacerbated in times of crisis. Consequently, we note with transparency that the purchasing power of workers is being reduced, as well as their participation in the annual gross domestic product.
Meanwhile, the high powers, both political and fundamentally financial, are achieving greater wealth than ever before. The class command that's up there forms a powerful group to manage the economy and politics at your whim.
But how do we get to that kind of authority from a lower level? Level changes in society are not easy to give. However, there are movements that are taking place, although each day is more difficult. These difficulties are reported by Joseph Stiglitz in his latest book, The Price of Inequality. Taurus). How hard it is to get great jobs for young people!
Moritz Erhart aspired to one of those great places with the intention of doing internships when he was granted the temporary employment of Merril Lynch in London. After three days of unrest work to serve his insatiable owners, when he got home, he was found dead in the shower. That kid's mother is also going to think something about this destructive capitalist system, right?
It seems that there are many young people who work like this. After twenty-four hours of work, he picks up the taxis at the workplace door, takes them home to shower and dress in clean clothes, and the same taxi awaits him to take him to work. So even pop. New slavery that Marx had not seen in its severity. And for modern bosses, these young, contemporary workers, are robots, machines for making money. The people who make up this powerful elite are those who, after the life of the young woman, do not show the slightest hints of mercy.
However, there are more modest possibilities for decent jobs. In fact, the Basque Government has launched “junior cooperatives” for young students in the CAV, with Basque universities, as well as vocational schools. Although, unfortunately, the agreement signed by the PNV and the PSE-EE does not make a single mention of it. Unfortunately, those who have worked on this prestigious agreement were more concerned about what the giant infrastructures are going to be than about the jobs to be created for qualified young people. It's a pity.