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Pathetic soil, Mr Lehendakari

Herriraren kontrako sarekada
Herriraren kontrako sarekada
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On October 1, 2013, I needed the links I don't have with the sources of information to interpret what the raid meant against the Herrira association. You have to have data and hypotheses, Mr Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, where a walking journalist only has questions: Is it a step on the road to the illegalization of sortu? A manoeuvre to prevent the change of strategy that ETA prisoners are preparing? Do you want to distort the gestures that ETA is expected to make shortly to deactivate weapons? Does it have to do with the Strasbourg judgment on the famous Parot doctrine? Or has the Spanish people simply been organized with this new show to forget Catalonia and the economic crisis?

I didn't answer, but I found a sorry spectacle on the streets of Hernani. People waited long hours, in front of a fence of red helmets with coagulants, on the other hand, proud and proud civil guards. Many of his detainees were in the country organizing a war operation in which they were famous for torturing civilian guards. Mr Lehendakari, the Ertzaines who had come to your orders, also paid for our family’s salaries, were not there to control the activity of the Spanish military in green, but to protect the civilian guards of the people. All day. Those of us who retire on time, we had breakfast in the morning, with the images of the Ertzainas feat through the streets of the village at dusk, the hollowed wood, no matter how a donkey or a ball, an open and select front, the ones from the back to the unemployed, the grandfather trapped in the street by a kick. Docile to the big one, I don't feel pity for trampling the little one.

I did not dare to greet the colleague of one of the detainees who was working with morning coffee. Why tear the wound if I can't offer you what you need? Who guarantees that those green soldiers treat your partner well? There is the ground of our ethics, Mr Lehendakari, neither you, nor the woman who presides over the Ertzaintza, nor the possible ombudsman called Ararteko, nor your Secretary of Peace and Coexistence, who deals with the evils of the victims, nobody can tell the relatives of the detainees not even where your girl or your boy is. It is not within our competence. As it was not in February 2003, as it was in February 1991. In the place where the civil guard is located there are no more powers than an extremely shameful margin for saying mothers.

Today, Mr Lehendakari, I feel that we Basques must start with ethical zero.

2013ko urriaren 13a
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