New research has been found in Wales, including young people being asked about the use of Welsh. Half of the young people, between the ages of 16 and 24, say they are able to speak of Galicians fluently. One in three uses the Welsh with their friends.
Carmarthenshire is the third largest country in Wales, with 180,000 inhabitants, and is also the third country according to the number of speakers of wales. Morfydd Evans is a Pontyberem post manager. Once upon a time, only the Welsh was heard in the post scammer of that town. In a report by The Guardian, Evans states that this is not the case at present: “Adult people still talk about Welsh, but young people don’t. They're able to talk. They study at school, but they've chosen not to use it. We adults are sad. We are proud of our culture and our language, and more needs to be done to protect it.” In the Carmarthenshire region, in 2001, there were five areas in which more than 70% of the population spoke Welsh. At present, this percentage is not achieved in any of the areas.
In addition to speaking in English with their friends, young people also surf in English via the Internet. Cathryn Ings, who fights for the language in Pontyberem, believes that “we have hope for young people, but if you live alongside a language that has a giant power it is very difficult. Young people are bombarded with English in computer games and social networks.” According to Ings, there are two drawbacks to talking about Welsh: on the one hand, to think that Welsh is not a language spoken by anyone and, on the other hand, that speakers are not certain of their language level. In other words, they prefer a good English to an old English.
In the same locality, in the Pontyberem, in the cafeteria, next to the adult table that speaks Welsh, the young people speak English. Three out of four do it every day in Galician, but the fourth is insecure, so the four are speaking in English.
Galesi buruz umorez aritzeko twitter kontuan (Welsh Bollocks) aurkitu dugu esaldia. Hizkuntza bakarra jakiteak dituen “onurak” deskribatu dituzte.
Ohe gainean gales hiztunak direla jarriko du, osasun langileek jakin dezaten eta hizkuntza horretan artatu ditzaten.
"Ras yr iaith" Galeseraren aldeko Korrika abiatuko da asteazkenean. 25 herri zeharkatuko ditu iparraldetik hegoaldera, eta ostiralean amaituko da. Bigarren edizioa du ekimenak, aurrekoa orain bi urte 2014an egin zuten.
Orain gutxi jakinarazi dute Galesen ere lehen aldiz egingo dutela "Korrika" ekainean, Ras yr Iaith izenpean (hizkuntzaren lasterketa). Ekainaren 20an izango da, ostiralean eta 22 kilometroko ibilbidean bederatzi herritatik igaroko da.
’Ras yr Iaith’ da galeseraren aldeko lasterketaren izena eta lehen edizio hau behintzat, 3 egunekoa izango da.
"Zergatik txiokatzen dute euskaldunek, galesdunok halako bi?" tituludun artikulua argitaratu du Rhodri ap Dyfrig Aberystwyth Universityko irakasleak bere blogean, euskara darabilten kontuen kopurua eta galesa darabiltenena berdintsuak direla kontuan izanda.
S4C galeserazko telebista kateak 2012ko azaroaren 2an ospatu zituen 30 urte antenan, ETBk baino aste batzuk lehenago.