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Pobrezia-tasa gora doan arren, aberatsak inoiz baino aberatsago

  • Pobreziak gora egiten duen bitartean, aberatsak gero eta aberatsagoak dira Frantzian. Desberdintasun sozialen areagotzea agerian utzi duen txostena argitaratu du Gobernuak.

Frantziako auzo marginaletan kontzentratzen dira pobrezia egoeran dauden gehienak, etorkinak nagusiki. Irudian, Hollande Paris kanpoaldeko Drancy 
komunara egindako bisitan (Argazkia:
Frantziako auzo marginaletan kontzentratzen dira pobrezia egoeran dauden gehienak, etorkinak nagusiki. Irudian, Hollande Paris kanpoaldeko Drancy komunara egindako bisitan (Argazkia:

Frantziako Estatuak inoizko ekoizpen altuena izan du aurten, 1,9 biloi eurokoa. Haatik, 8,6 miloi frantziar bizi dira txirotasun egoeran, hau da, biztanleen %14; Bigarren Mundu Gerraz geroztik, ez da inoiz horrenbesteko pobreziarik izan.

Haur, gazte eta etorkinak kaltetuenak

Adinari dagokionez, haur eta gazteak dira nagusiki egoera ekonomiko larrian daudenak. François Hollanden Gobernuak aitortu duenez, “gero eta gazte gehiagok, pobrezia dute behin-betiko etorkizun”. Adin txikikoen %19,6 txirotasun egoeran bizi da; gazteen artean ostera, %21,9. Hezkuntzak ere areagotu egiten du pobreziarako joera: urtero 130.000 gaztek uzten dituzte ikasketak bigarren hezkuntza amaitu aurretik.

Txostenak nabarmentzen duenez, etorkinak dira diru falta gehien nozitzen dutenak, %40ak hain zuzen. Lana izateak ere ez du oparotasuna ziurtatzen, biztanleria aktiboaren %6,2 txiroa baita. 75 urtetik gorako emakumeen %14,1 ere egoera ekonomiko kaskarrean dago.

Aberatsenek krisirik ez

Biztanleen pobrezia-tasa gorantz doan arren, aberatsenak ez dira inoiz horren dirudun izan. Salim Lamrani Pariseko Descartes Unibertsitateko irakaslearen arabera, diru gehien duten 500 frantziarren aberastasuna 330.000 miloi eurokoa da aurten, pasa den urtean baino %25 handiagoa. Guztira Frantziako kapitalaren %10 dago haien esku. Dirudun horien artean, 1.000 miloi euro baino gehiago dituzten 55 pertsona daude, iaz baino 10 gehiago.

2024-12-19 | Leire Ibar
The workers of a school in Bilbao have been without pay for almost a year, after a vulture fund bought the building
They have denounced that the private fund Scientia has bought the San Pedro Apostle school in Bilbao and has deteriorated the rights of workers and the quality of education. The workers have been without pay for nine months and have criticised the lack of intervention by the... [+]

2024-12-19 | Gedar
In Europe, 13% of pensioners have to continue working
4.9% of new retirees have to reconcile the pension with some work in the Spanish state. In Estonia it is 55%.

2024-12-19 | Axier Lopez
Lekeitio will welcome a 10-hour concentration for the freedom of Palestine
Several Lekeitio agents will concentrate alternately for ten hours to denounce the "genocide and terrorist massacre" being carried out by the Zionist entity Israel in Palestine.

Judges agree to annul or substantially reduce fines of EUR 290,500 against Ernai
The judge has justified the young people of ERNAI, who filed an unconstitutionality appeal against the fine. The ruling was announced by Naiz and Ernai will offer a press conference this Thursday at 10:30 a.m. to make all the details known.

2024-12-19 | Julene Flamarique
TikTok’s carbon footprint is higher than the annual emission in Greece, according to a study
TikTok is the most opaque social network: it does not publish data on its emissions. It's more polluting than the rest of social media. He said that he has committed himself to making it "neutral carbon" by 2030.

Stone Wheel of Time in the Cathedral of Pamplona
"Pictura est laicorum literatura," wrote Umberto Eco in Il nome della rosa. People speak more through images than words. The narrative function of art is notable in the images of the Middle Ages, although its interpretation can be difficult with current eyes. In the cloister of... [+]

Social networks
Leaving the X, where are we going now?
These days an “eXodo” is being produced on social networks. Many users have decided to abandon the X platform, to the point of refuting the “toxic” evolution of the entrepreneur Elon Musk’s hand, and have jumped to Mastodon or Bluesky. The report has focused on these... [+]

Ararteko calls on the Basque Government to ensure the attention of the Ertzaintza in Euskera
Two neighbours of Donostia-San Sebastian have denounced that an Ertzaintza patrol has given them incorrect linguistic treatment. They received a fine, following a repeated request to be attended in Basque. Ararteko has taken over the aggression against the Ertzaintza.

Zero kilometre

I have recently had the opportunity to see the latest work by Pierre Carles, a committed documentary author. Under the name of Guérilla des FARC, l'avenir a une histoire (FARC guerrilla, the future has history), proposes a renewed account of the armed conflict that has lasted... [+]

Orange alerts

The poor management of the Valencian cold drop has led to a change in adverse meteorological alerts, as shown in the first season of "winter". Faced with the threat of rivers overflowing in Hego Euskal Herria, the indications for protection came along several paths, since no... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude