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Donostia 1813: How do we represent suffering?

Donostiarren sufrimendua irudikatzeko Goyaren obrara jo behar izan dute. Si resucitará? estanpa.
Donostiarren sufrimendua irudikatzeko Goyaren obrara jo behar izan dute. Si resucitará? estanpa.

In the bicentennial of the San Sebastian fire, public institutions and associations aim to remember what happened and here we can find ourselves in 1813 of the San Telmo Museum. Exhibition The site, the fire and the reconstruction of San Sebastian. The sample is divided into three blocks and nine sections – two of them are exhibited in the Untzi Museoa – and in it the visitor will find contemporary works of art, engravings, historical documents and objects of other supports.

From what happened in San Sebastian in 1813, what has been told us mainly is that the British set fire and then the Donostiarras made the decision to rebuild the city. On the night of 31 August, hundreds of people were killed and dozens of women raped by the allies – the testimonies of this barbarism were published in report No. 2,377 of the light – but these data have almost always been in the shadow, and we still have difficulty in internalizing the suffering of civil society. Also in the exhibition of the San Telmo Museum can be seen this limitation, recognized by the organization itself – “it is difficult for these terrible events to become a spectacle” – and above all they have had to resort to the Goya summit work to represent, albeit briefly, the pain of the Donostiarras. It is clear that once the centenary is over, the need to work a report closer to citizenship will remain there.

In any case, the exhibition is a unique opportunity to better understand the context and the event of 1813, and in passing, you can expand the perspective in chronology with exhibitions organized in the Basque Museum of Baiona and the Zumalakarrangi Museum, the first of which focuses on the War of the Convention and the revolution of 1893, the second in the invasion and controversy of the hundred 1823 children of Luis de Luis.

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Abuztuak 31
Historia ofiziala salatuz, 1813ko sarraskia gogoratu dute Donostian

Iritsi da berriz ere abuztuak 31. Donostiarrentzat data beltza. Egun horretan orain 202 urte, 1813an hiria suntsitu, 1.600 pertsona inguru hil, hiriko ia emakume guztiak bortxatu eta lapurreta erraldoia egin zuten espainiarren aliatu ziren armada ingeles eta portugesek.

Reconstruction of San Sebastian
Long hangover of August 31, 1813
Although the Allies decided to rebuild the city at the Zubieta meeting a few days after the destruction of San Sebastian, the consequences of the disaster occurred in the following months and years. The Donostiarras had to cope with the reconstruction of the city without aid,... [+]

Gerrek txikitutako hiriak, bat eginda

Gerrek Suntsitutako Hirien Topaketak” antolatu dituzte Donostian, hilaren 21ean. Bizikidetza eta bakea ardatz, etorkizuna izango dute hizpide bertaratutakoek.

Historia ahanzturan gera ez dadin abuztuaren 31rako hainbat ekintza Donostian

1813ko Donostiaren suntsiketa oroitzeko egitarau zabala prestatu dute abuztuaren 30 eta 31rako. “Biktima guztien ezagutza” dute oinarri ekintzek sarraskiaren 200. urteurrenean, historian galduta ez geratzeko.


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Brigadako jenerala eta Donostiako gobernari militarra 1813an. Espainian 1808an sartu zen, Kataluniako armadaren Estatu Nagusiko buru. 1813an Donostiako gobernari militar izendatu zuten. Ugartemendia eta Jauregi San Bartolome gainera iritsi zirenean, donostiarrei haien bila... [+]

Carlos IV

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Hitz hauek idazten ari naizen unean, 199 urte atzera eginda, tragedia beltza bizitzen ari ziren Donostian, eta askok ordurako dena galdu zuten. Abuztuaren 31n sartu ziren tropa ingeles eta portugaldarrak hirian, eta hurrengo egunetan frantziarrak Urgull mendiko gotorlekura igo... [+]

Donostiako tragedia 10 puntutan azalduta

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Eguneraketa berriak daude