Do Basque musical groups have enough space?
I will never get tired of telling the musical groups in the Basque Country that we owe everything to them. Being such a small town, the number of groups we have here is impressive, and in general, the level is also good in terms of style. At a time when outside music is appreciated and exalted, I think we should look a little more at our navel, as it did a couple of decades ago. The musical scene of Euskal Herria is very interesting, young, educated and in good health. That is why we should be more supportive, getting publications, attending concerts, taking into account the contribution of the bands.
It collects the list of Basque disks that are published in the current year. The list is getting longer and longer, what diagnosis would you make?
An average of 300 works have been published in recent years. Therefore, the publications have increased, on the one hand, because the first step of many groups instead of being a model has become a disk or a EP. On the other hand, technological advances have facilitated recordings. The Internet has also been a milestone in the placement of jobs on the Internet. As for the formats, the usual jewel box and digipack formats are still alive, but they remain on the downward trend. Vinyl is increasingly appreciated and digital format is also of vital importance. Although the tangible disk does not disappear, future publications will be folders with mp3, known as digital disks. On the other hand, it should be noted that year after year the sound quality and creativity are maintained at a good level.
Is the Basque scene linked to the times?
The music here is a varied and rich scene, so we defend it at every step of the Harrobia Lantzen initiative. In the Basque Country there has been a balance of musical styles and, although the fashions have not disappeared, bands of very different styles coexist. Rock music will probably be the protagonist, but pop music (both commercial and indie) is gaining strength. Of course, the dancing skacore occupies the town squares and attracts the tastes of revolutionary teenagers. There is also a punk scene, especially in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. Black music also has its space thanks to the growing stream of reggae and hip hop. On the contrary, heavy metal music has diminished the echo of the past and found an appropriate balance to which both groups and fans enjoy. Finally, traditional or folk music maintains a very important place in our environment.
The association of Basque musicians has recently been established. Who is speaking on behalf of musicians?
The meeting has become essential not only in culture, but also in other areas. It is therefore absolutely normal for musicians to join together, for discography to merge, for musical agents to merge… As far as musicians are concerned, the association may be a suitable instrument for defending their rights. But rights must be defined well. Musicians often say that they have the same rights as other workers. I mean, because the baker makes bread, the musician makes songs. I think that is the wrong view. In addition, the thesis of the passionate advocates of SGAE in Spain comes to mind. The contribution of musicians goes beyond a trade that generates culture. That doesn't mean they don't have to collect, but the goal can't be to collect. That’s why, when I see a musician saying, “Respect, I don’t play for free,” my stomach turns up.
Do you believe, however, that Basque musicians are united?
When it comes to defending their rights, they will surely agree. When it comes to money, I see more difficulties. Let me give you an example of what happens between low-level groups. Many groups complain that people don't come to their concerts. But how many of those groups come to see the concerts of other groups? On the issue of protection, many bands are lost, which can reveal the kind of relationship they may have between them.
How do you see the work situation of musicians?
Those who live from music will be very few in our land. They will be a very small percentage. It is true that many musicians combine their hobby, not their trade, with similar works. For example, many are music teachers or work in the field of culture. But as I said later, I can't compare a creative song with a vending machine. I do not understand music as a trade, although it can be a normal work, with all legitimacy.
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