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The 13-year-old student has completed his thesis in Sardini with the intention of claiming his language

Riccardo Laconi ikasleak sardinieraz egin zuen ikerketa lana, Italiako Sardinian bere hizkuntza defendatzeko.
Riccardo Laconi ikasleak sardinieraz egin zuen ikerketa lana, Italiako Sardinian bere hizkuntza

We found the news on the Vilaweb de Catalunya. Riccardo Laconi, 13, had come to present his tesina. The young man had prepared a paper on ways of caring for the environment of Sardinia, sustainable development. At the Alférez School of Cagliari I had no choice but to present the work in Italian. At the time of the presentation of the thesis, he answered all the questions in Italian in sardinero, and gave the reason: “I wanted to speak in sardines, because this language is not dialect. It is the language, as is French and English. And it has to do with the culture and tradition of this land.” The student not only wanted to claim the use of sardinero in the public sphere, but, according to him, “I would like to proudly ask that I be allowed to practice my language in official spaces, for example, in a test, but also with my friends I would like to speak sardinero in the daily life”. It does not appear that the public institutions in Sardinia have taken any action. According to Vilaweb, the student Riccardo Laconi obtained the highest score in the OPE exam.

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