Duela hamasei urte lana euskalduntzeko kooperatiba gisa sortu zen Emun. Alor sozioekonomikoan buru-belarri ibili ondoren, lan eremu berriei helduko die hemendik aurrera, eta euskara eta berrikuntza soziala izango ditu misio. Aldaketok, euskal jendartearen behar berriei erantzuteko asmoz egin dituzte. Lan mundua euskalduntzeko bideari muzinik egin gabe, lau lan eremu banatu dituzte aurrera begira: hizkuntza, kultura, aniztasun eta immigrazioa eta parte-hartzea. Alor horiei euskaratik eta euskaraz erantzungo diete.
Ekainaren 20an, lan ildo eta irudi berriaren aurkezpen publikoa egingo du Emunek Bilbon. Ekitaldian Kike Amonarrizek hitzaldia eskainiko du galdera honi erantzun nahian: Nola lotzen dira euskara, kultura, immigrazioa eta parte-hartzea Euskal Herrian? Aurkezpen saioan ondoko agerpenak ere izango dira: Plataforma per La Llengua, Irizar kooperatiba, Fagor Taldea eta Emun aholkulari taldea.
In recent months I have had to work in a number of institutes and, at some point, I have had to talk to the students about the possibilities offered by the labour market. The typology of the students is varied and in the same city varies a lot from one neighborhood to another,... [+]
Languages Lan has just organised the first international conference on linguistic management in Bilbao. Much has been said in the Congress about language policy, management and tools. And emotions. And from emotions, how many cooperatives, companies and organizations in our... [+]
Few spend their whole lives at the same work. What was common at the time of our parents, today, is absolutely unusual. It seems that millennial generation youth will not spend five years in the same job and the time will be much shorter between Z and Alpha generations.
I too,... [+]
It is often difficult to find a service or product in Basque. Not everything can be achieved in Basque. We must look for suppliers that offer us products and/or services in Basque, both in the private and professional spheres.
Consumer legislation in the regulations of the... [+]