I was having breakfast when I was surprised by a famous politician. “Giving the word to the Catalan people to decide their future is an undemocratic act, because democracy is to respect existing legislation, and that legislation does not allow the Catalans to take the floor.” The roasted bread fell into my cup of coffee and the splash smashed my new shirt.
“Something doesn’t work here,” I thought as I tried to wipe the coffee spot with the rag, “because someone has put the bases upside down.” How can people be given the floor to be anti-democratic? Another question would be: How can that look so hard? But good.
When the proponents of the Enlightenment imposed upon us the rule of law, legislation was conceived as a basic agreement between citizenship – the social pact. Therefore, individuals are basic and organized for coexistence, reaching some agreements. These consents become laws that must be complied with when they acquire the legal form.
If there is logic, over time, social agreements must change, to the same extent that society is changing, adapting to the new times, updating the social agreement so that the pact between the State and the individual keeps the balance.
Let us suppose that this is so (although arguable, thinking of Marx). Democracy is about giving the word to citizenship, and the law should conform to that in order to defend the path of achieving the will of citizenship. And if you have to change, you have to adapt the law, so that the Catalans decide their future.
However, the Liberals and Social Democrats who today believe themselves to be enlightened, even though they are always crying out for the individual, then regard the law as about it. As if the law had an immutable and eternal character encarnado.La law, the rule of law, has acquired the form of God and has become a heavy bucket of cement that is imposed on
agreements between human beings, and that has devoured and modified the sense of democracy itself. They've turned the law into religion and made it happen to individuals, as if it were natural or natural, hiding that it's an agreement between us. The rule of law has become imperialism, a state in which the elites have led us to perversion by putting the situation upside down.
But that's intolerable, like standing when a car doesn't come, because there's a red traffic light. Don't you think so?