Claim to preserve natural diversity
  • Richard Leaky, Roger Lewin::The Sixth Extinction Themes, 2013
Garbine Ubeda Goikoetxea @garbineubeda 2013ko maiatzaren 16a
The editorial Gaiak has given us an important work of thought. It has as a matter of reflection the pattern of the life and future of humanity, and since its first publication, almost 20 years ago, it has given a lot that hablar.Los authors believe that we are in a global destruction, which would be the sixth that happened on our planet – the fifth occurred
65 million years ago and with other species the dinosaurs disappeared. Unlike the five previous times, the human being is responsible for this overall extinction. Some estimates suggest that some 30,000 species would be about to
be lost in the not-too-distant future lejano.Se argues that this sixth lapse period began 100,000 years ago. That is, when the first men began to colonize the entire planet and destroyed on their way many forms of life, including some human species. Since then, the trend has worsened and, if so, the fate of Homo sapiensa will remain the same. The
Sixth Extinction of Anthropologists Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin asserts the ethical need of human beings to preserve the diversity of nature.