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In the mesilla

Save the questions in the drawer of the mesilla. It points on a paper several unknowns that are not publicly expressed and puts them occasionally in the drawer. In some nights he introduces new papers and in other nights he leaves: if he sees that he has already found a way to respond to the written, he puts it in the trash, in some way the challenge. As the questions are answered, the roles disappear from the mesilla.

However, there are stones that move between the papers, and that, despite going out and reading for many years, meet with some unanswered question. This curious, invented method is becoming an increasingly Russian roulette. That's apparently what gives you a special touch to play.

When luck is opposite, he barely sleeps, and for some time he gets embroiled in his usual occupations. It comes in the same way since last week, as if it couldn't focus. Indeed, it once again stumbled and contradicted itself with the stupid dispute of yesteryear. “When will I stop probing in the chair?”

You are interested in the channel: Filosofia
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