On April 18, a group of researchers from the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) published in the journal Science an article on the social organization of ants.
About 600 ants of the species Camponotus fellah were subjected to a barcode each, and recorded their movements by computer for 41 days. After collecting and analyzing 10 billion data, researchers were able to see quite clearly what the social organization of ants was like.
Ants are divided into three groups. 40% of the respondents are dedicated to caring for the youngest, queens and pups. Others (30%), older, are dedicated to cleaning the nest and older (30%) to feeding. Those who care and feed live in separate areas, which scientists believe is to protect the queen from external parasites. Cleaners move around the nest.
Ionan Marigomez Allende (Erandio, 1961) biologoa da lanbidez eta bokazioz. Bera izan zen EHUren Plentziako Itsas Estazioaren sustatzaile nagusia, eta bera da bertako zuzendaria 2013an sortu zenetik. Bulegoan hartu gaitu, atzealdean Gorlizko badia ageri dela, eta hantxe jardun... [+]
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