Terminator 2 filmean agertzen zen robot baten ezaugarri harrigarrienetakoa zen milaka zatitan puskatu arren zatiek berriro elkartu eta robota osatzen zutela.
Pittsburgheko Unibertsitateko (AEB) ikerlariak material auto-osagarrien bila ari dira aspalditik. Material horren konposizio kimiko zehatza ez baino arrasto batzuk eman dizkigute; tratamendu kimiko zehatza jasan duen gelatina berezi batekin probak egin dituzte eta, antza, gelatinazko atal bat zatitu ondoren, argiaren eraginez atalen arteko komunikazio kimikoa sortzen da. Behar bezain hurbil baldin badaude, zatiek hasierako egoerara itzultzeko joera erakusten dute. Komunikazio kimikoa naturako gertakaria da, eta batez ere ameben eta termiten artekoa da ikerlariei gehien interesatzen zaiena.
Orain arteko saioak ordenagailuan egin dituzte, baina laster benetako proba fisikoa egingo dute.
The consumerist culture we live in sends every user to an unreasonable enjoyment. As Slavoj Zize says, Enjoy your fetish, it has become the rude mandate of hypermodernity. Current enjoyment is carried out through existing technological devices to occupy the place of fetish. But... [+]
In 2018, I leveraged social media and most communications from devices to try to control where I focus on life. Every day I go on that task, in the light of the moth, because my curiosity is constantly looking for fresh information to help me understand reality. At that time I... [+]
When you work with older people or people with physical and neural diversity, you realize that the idea of competition in our society limits us a lot as a species. That is, our system puts you in value by doing things specifically, and what it doesn't do is incapable of the... [+]
The presence of Elon Musk in the media advances like a rocket after landing in the garden of the White House. Other powers, apparently, have been altered by the power and influence it is acquiring, and to reduce its influence, have charged the X network. In recent weeks, media... [+]