“If something is clear in these elections, it is as follows: Beppe Grillo has been the winner of the Vuelta a España stage. And to say it's been the winner is euphemism. The ballot boxes have expressed a massive uprising against the elites, who have rejected the candidature. At least one in four voters voted on the list of bearded humorists, often without daring to announce it in polling institutes, understanding that they are also part of the elite.” The article published by Massimo Gramellini in the Italian newspaper La Stampa left little doubt: another problem has arisen for the European elites who want to control the situation in southern Europe.
The journalist of the company's newspaper Fiat doesn't think it was just a punishment vote: “It is desperate to hope that the parliamentarians of the Five Stars Movement will be different, that they will not fill their pockets, but above all that they will listen, because the others no longer did.” It has been labelled anti-politics here and there. The Economist has yelled at him from a headline "clown." In general, the financial world has clouded its eyes with the result of Grillo. But critical voices have also appeared from the left with the movement. The collective writer Wu Ming Internazionale.it has published on his website that: “Despite the revolutionary aspect and rhetoric, we believe that M5S has been an effective advocate of what has been going on in recent years. The force that has functioned as a ‘plug’ to balance the system.”
Wu Ming believes that in Italy there have been no strong citizen movements as in other Mediterranean states, which has facilitated the way for Beppe Grillo and businessman Gianroberto Casaleggio to organise the Five Star Movement. “It is a ‘movement’ strictly controlled and guided by a vertex, which collects and emulates the demands of popular movements, confusing them with apologies in favor of ‘healthy’ capitalism, as well as superficial discourses on the honesty of the politician/individual administrator. They have a confused programme in which there are liberal, anti-liberal, centralist, federalist, libertarian and far-left proposals.”
However, Wu Ming’s do not rule out that Grillo’s movement can become an instrument of transformation if it is not his own prisoner. This view has also been referred to by the Marxist-autonomist theorist Franco Berardi. We have received your words from the portal ElDiario.es: "The Grillo party has vetoed the government of the financial dictatorship in Catalonia. Now is the time to move society. Will society have enough energy and intelligence to self-manage social life with a global occupation movement? If we don’t have that energy, we deserve the next disaster.” Even taking it out of the Italian context, it seems like something thought.