The position of the PNV in the Basque Parliament has been surprising, but it has not been sufficient. He has approved, together with pp and UPyD, the use of Spanish in the schools of the Haurreskolak Consortium. Today, children from public children's schools only speak in Basque.
We have just heard the results of the Arrue study and the fundamental role played by the school in Euskaldunising and maintaining young children has been revealed. In the conference on the Arrue project, the following terms were heard: strength, controlled atmosphere, counterweight... More and more students do not have Euskera at home and many of them live surrounded by Castilian in their daily lives. Children's schools are islands for many children. The decision of the PNV is curious, since the proposal of pp will not benefit the Basque people. In the opinion of pp, it should be taken into account that children have to be Castilian speakers from home, both the will of the parents and the sociolinguistic reality of each region. In other words, Spanish must also be guaranteed in children's schools. The pp says that both languages are official and that the use of both languages must be guaranteed. However, it is known that the children who speak have no problem with 16 years to master Castilian, as required by law, while they are seated in Basque.
“Prestigioarekin du zerikusia. Ez nator bat esatean krisiak azaltzen duela jaitsiera. Izan dezake eragina, baina euskara ikasteagatik baino gehiago ordaintzen bada beste hizkuntza batzuk ikasteagatik, eta horietan ez bada beherakadarik gertatu, krisiarekin ezin azal daiteke. Krisian egon, eta, gainera, euskara ikasteari ez bazaio behar den adinako balio sozialik aitortzen, ez bazaio behar besteko prestigiorik ematen, alde batera uzten da. Horri buelta ematen ahalegindu behar dugu. Jaurlaritzaren mezuak garbia izan behar du: euskararen auzia bizikidetza sozialaren auzia da. Euskara zenbat eta indartsuago izan gure arteko bizikidetza ere sendoagoa eta harmoniatsuagoa izango denez, aktiboki bultzatu behar dugu euskara ez dakiten herritarrek ikasteko pausoa eman dezaten”.
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]