As many studies have shown, insomnia increases the risk of heart disease, favors diabetes and obesity… But it’s not just about little sleep. A study from the Washington School of Medicine (EE.UU.) has been shown that low-quality sleep can damage memory and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Not having trouble sleeping doesn't necessarily mean you're sleeping well. Some things to consider are:
Wake up several times in the evening. The sleep cycle has several phases, and if it is interrupted repeatedly, it may not reach the deepest stages of sleep. It should not be forgotten that these phases are the most important for the formation of our body.
Rise up with a feeling of tiredness. If there are no reasons to justify this fatigue (fibromyalgia, thyroid problems...), and if you sleep the necessary hours, seven or eight a day, it is a sign that your rest is not vital.
Drugs that wake up. Those used for thyroid problems, bronchodilators, and some heart medications can impair sleep. Diuretics cause night cramps that can wake you up, according to a recent study in Canada. You should check with your doctor if you are not sure.
Noises you don't perceive anymore. You may have gotten used to the noise pollution in the area, and despite the noise, you fall asleep and you don't think that affects you. However, this noise generates micro-awakenings in your brain that will lead you to a shallow sleep, which will not allow you to rest properly.
Use your cell phone before bedtime. The use of technological devices at the end of the day makes sleep difficult and worsens. A study conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden concludes that the radiation emitted by these devices prevents entry into the vicious stages of sleep and reduces time in the deep phases of sleep.
Dinner with alcohol. Although it appears to have a “reassuring” effect, alcohol can cause sleep breaks and facilitate and aggravate apnea within four hours of drinking, therefore, being asleep.
Afternoon nap prevents insomnia, but it can make sleep worse in some cases. If it is greater than 20 minutes, the biological rhythm is altered and night sleep is damaged. Long naps – 30 minutes or more – add irritability and the feeling of not resting, as well as awakening occasionally with headache.
Washington (EE.UU. ), 1807. The US Constitution banned transatlantic slave trade. This does not mean that slavery has been abolished, but that the main source of the slaves has been interrupted. Thus, slave women became the only way to “produce” new slaves.
So in 1845, in... [+]
What blew me a lot is the way some doctors talk to the patient. They talk to us about pain as if we were children. As I have had two kidney transplants, I know what I mean: among other things, I have had a tube inside my penis. Because of the anesthesia, I didn't feel how I got... [+]
Today I have come to start with my words.
Four years!
I've taken four years to get my life back.
Four years also lived to flee the prison.
Four years… In silence… Just… Leaving aside the life of the past… To understand the functioning of my different mind and to... [+]
Lack of good doctors for a high middle grade policy. This policy has ensured that very few young people have reached the medical career and the MIR has further removed people from that career.
And there are few Basque doctors because the knowledge of Euskera in this profession... [+]
Rainy red mornings, red blondes. Little with the Aramaio train and soon wind turbines will be installed, destroying the mountains. The wind of the river, from Vitoria, leads us along the same path: the river. Infrastructures yes, all we want, but not socio-health care... [+]
We are now talking more about mental health, psychological well-being and its impact on our quality of life. It is a source of joy, because it helps to get the subject out of the closet, because by showing that the pain we all have (and not a few) the discomfort normalizes and... [+]
Haur eta gazteen egoera emozional eta psikologiko txarra dela-eta, irakasleak gaindituta daudela eta ikastetxe bakoitzean psikologo bat ezarri beharko litzatekeela aldarrikatzen du mugimendu batek. Hari horri tiraka, jakin nahi izan dugu zein den pandemiak eskoletan utzi duen... [+]