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Electronics and Trikitixa

  • Hunger Self-production, 2012
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
I recall that long before the Gose group was formed, the arrasatearra Iñaki Bengoa, who participated in the Los Albertos and Los Pichones groups, carried out his first electronic experiments with José G. of the El Desvän del Macho group. Along with Izcue, in the project called El Leprosario. By then, one of his dreams was to create a group that would bring electronics and trikitixa together. Instead, however, he created the first group, Bad F-Line, that would unify electronics and punk in the Basque Country. Too electronic for punkiens and too puncture for techno lovers, self-produced. Several works were published with the labels of Madrid and Euskal Herria. By then, Bengoa had already taken a look at the trikitixa of Arrasate Inés Osinaga, which had extensive experience. Osinaga had already shown that, in addition to doing well the performances in plazas and romerías, he was also able to fill the stage as a rock singer and as a frontwoman. It proved this in the punk power-rock group Isarevolution.

On one occasion, Bengoa convinced Osinaga and signed Jon Zubiaga ‘Osoron’, who was part of the punk groups of Kañeria, Des-Kontrol and Gatillazo. They wanted to carry out the project that they had long imagined. In 2005, they published their first album and I found it a proposal and a very hard-working, innovative staging, but I am not satisfied. Later, the cultural group Intxorta 1937 and the trio got in touch and later wrote the beautiful and emotional Amets Gorria, which was collected in his second album. In fact, the 2007 white record drew me more. However, I was taken completely Suri, huh? With his third work, he received similar pearls and portalón. After that, artists of all kinds from Euskal Herria versioned songs from Arrasate and published the collection.

Now, instead, they're presenting their fifth, orange disk. Shot! This is the first time the group has a strength and a laboratory. He left the studies and went to the Spam study in Madrid in order to get a more discographic sound from the 80's. There are rhetorical songs like dancing XXX and Bang, but also: The song "Ezetz" houses the electronics and the trikitixa perfectly; they have experienced it in the Desolé version of Bad F-Line; they have brought it to the almost industrial music Zaborra; and DZ with Patrol Destroyers has made a round remix of the song of being Naizena. On the other hand, there is a beautiful Sicilian Balkan song (Kamarada) that would resurrect Maurizia; Spam that approaches the drum&bass and raggamuffi; and Hil da Europa hit from the revolutionary ceremony that the machine puts at the orders of the guitars.

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