Fruitua is Estankona's second solo album. It is a low disk, more linear than the previous one, if you want it without shocks, although there is no contrast. In the car, you can take a quiet road and travel miles in which your sounds accompany the speakers.
It's naked work, in the best sense. On the one hand, there are only three musicians in the group (the Jimmi Arrabit battery, the bass player Itxaso Etxebeste and the Estankona herself, guitarist and singer). The recording does not show adornments about the resources of this natural trio.
On the other hand, because it looks inward at birth; because the words have been taken out of itself and pronounced in various tones, both surrealistically and crudely. Sometimes it is known anger, sensitivity other times, many emotions found in introspective, as if they were touched, as if they were in the same rope, right away, in a transition without jumping. “What I like most is to sing, to close my eyes, or to look forward, and to see the images of the experiences that are the origin of that song dancing inside me,” Estankona explained on the album presentation page.