On 1 December about 800 people met in front of the Biarritz Casino to respond to the International Forum for Life organized by the Bishop of Baiona. In front of us there were people of good opinion: Groups related to Cristo Rey and Opus Dei: Pro-Life, among others. That is, those who reject homosexual marriage and their right to adopt children. In the name of life, they want to impose morality on us, but we know that their morality has never aligned with each other's freedom and with everyone's respect.
This forum was organized to reject the bill on marriage for all, which will be presented in January at the Paris Parliament. Along the same lines, in recent weeks, many peoples of the French State have welcomed events and demonstrations of the same nature that have been successful.
However, this law is not revolutionary, but direct: it aims to give gays and lesbians the right to marry and the official possibility of adopting. In other words, it proclaims equality, guarantee, no more, no less, than what is accepted for others.
I have reflected several times: if claiming marriage we do not want to bring to the norm all people, of all sexual orientations, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, heterosexuals. And those who don't want to get married?
Being in front of the casino in Biarritz I had the things very clear: no, no problem. That everyone has the same rights does not mean that everyone has the same obligation. “Freedom of choice” is fundamental.
In the Spanish State, in Denmark or in Belgium, as in other European countries, they have already acquired the power of marriage and adoption. Why not in the French state?
Laws must be protective and pioneering, a step beyond the mindset of diverse people. The debate and the conflicts surrounding the law that must be brought forward this December give us the impression that homophobia is still strong and harsh. Truffles, sockets, aggressions -- they're always there.
Our society is still a homophobic society, let us not deceive ourselves, there is still a long way to go. We have to get the mental revolution, and a law can help in that. To go further, we have to work every day, both publicly and privately, at school or at university, in sport or at work, on the street or at home, to change the mentalities.
When will we see gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans couples on the street?
That will be for me the sign of a true normalized state, in a just and free society.
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