I need music to write. One morning I got up with this one idea. I need tectonic tunes from DJ Axula to enclose the story I'm finishing. Today, even absurd, we have become accustomed to competing on the net as soon as we feel a drive of consumption, using the customer accounts we have here and there. With a simple flickering I found myself on the Txitxarro dantza toki master of Axular Arizmendi website in my basket.
At the time of paying, I realized the stupid situation. However, I have come down from home and four steps away I have the Elkar store in Baiona and I can take advantage of the skill of the workers to get the two CDs that I so much wanted. Furthermore, I exclude international postal charges because I am avaricious or prudent if I start talking about money. At least, I have a certain reputation.
The gigantic mandates of the markets manipulate our desire to make economies and to respond quickly to the desire to buy. They are asking us nothing more than to submit to our wishes and, therefore, in all of them both small and large shops disappear one by one.
Etxera itzuli ahal izan diren arren, joan den azaroan kaleratu zuten Astrabuduko familia berriz ere arriskuan dago. Uribe Kostako Etxebizitza Sindikatuak salatu du mailegu-enpresa berriz ere saiatzen ari dela kanporatzea gauzatzen, oraingoan, desokupazio-enpresa bat... [+]
Azken egunak garrantzi handikoak izan dira Bartzelonan, etxebizitzaren aldeko mugimenduarentzat eta espekulatzaileen aurkako borrokarentzat. Urtarrilaren 28an, polizia-armada batek Raval auzoko Massana Zaharrari [zentro sozial okupatua] eraso egin zion goizaldean, aurrez abisatu... [+]