Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Struggle for identity

We have been enthusiastic to Catalan society about the educational reform that the People’s Party has just presented, with Minister Wert in the lead. There has been great indignation in the Basque Country. There are differences between them. The vast majority of Catalans see the teaching project and the language they feel of themselves in the future jeopardized. There they are much more advanced in the development of Catalan, and hence the response to the attack. Once again in the core of the language.

Aggression is crude: The policy of recentralizing the PP, the attack on the autonomism, the attack on other languages other than Spanish, the attempt to standardize education… Many have pointed out that this is the greatest linguistic aggression from the point of view of Franco. 85% of the CAV’s parliamentary representation was against the project through the parties. Interestingly, in the case of the foral Parliament of Navarre the rejection is greater, as, according to the declarations of the parties, 92% of the delegates say they do not agree with Wert.

Yes, I know that in the case of Navarre I have cheated. It is true that UPN has said that the law needs changes, that it cannot be approved as it is, because, among other things, with the Law of the Vascuence of Navarra they would have problems. Yes, only the four MPs agree in Navarre, but also the 19 UPN would be delighted that a new Wert law definitely strengthens the difficulties inherent in model D.

The truth is that UPN has had to be cautious before the law. UPN and Zuhur? Opposite, right? But in these times the Nabarrist party is working wisely. With the impetus of the opposition, the Basque Parliament is in a hurry; it will have to extend the budgets, it is in tension within the party and in order to direct it it will probably have two candidates in the next Spring Congress, Yolanda Barcina and Carlos Català. The most serious thing for him is that, through the crisis, his government has suffered a great deal of wear and tear among the citizens. UPN, for its part, is very afraid of the election results, and there is no doubt that the regional elections will be brought forward. The question is when: It will not be before the UPN Congress, so it is doubtful whether it will be held before or after the summer of 2013.

And where is the Cervera case that broke out in this puzzle when I write these lines? It is too early to know, but the matter sucks. The explanation of Saintiago Cervera in his blog has little credibility: or even the sound of money has prevented it – this is an epidemic in the PP-, but then he acted in the most clumsy way; or yes, someone has ambushed him and José Antonio Asiain. The Week comes warm with this issue, but it is once again noted that it has had many black holes in the last 10 years. Recently, the opposition prompted the Navarre Parliament to investigate the situation in depth, but the SNP refused to do so. Now you have to see how far the splashes are going to go.

But I was referring to the intentions of Minister Pp and Minister Wert. There are few doubts, they are going to do so, we have to see whether we are negotiating with Catalonia and with the CAV or not. Catalonia has made it clear that it will not adopt this law. The issue is that between the current model and the intentions of pp there is no acceptable margin for Catalan, Basque or Galician. Either the PP imposes its own and opens up a gigantic institutional conflict in Spain, or imposes its own and we immerse ourselves in the modern version of Franco. Choose. The pp has behind all the strength of the Spanish State. What is the strength of the Basques and

Catalans?Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, faces a very complicated trajectory, the difficulties of the crisis, which will have to be added to that of the Spanish state model. If the law of Minister Wert materializes, how on earth does the new lehendakari go to La Moncloa to talk about cosovereignty? Pp now feeds independentism in the same way that Franco fed nationalism. Because the model of a single and united Spain is at its core, and also because in these times of such severe crisis it serves to bring Spanish society together. With what elements will the Basque society carry out its cement?

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