Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

- Divorce? Where do they sell? You'll have it all closed."

  • Garazi Kamio::Other person's shoes Elkar, 2012
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
It's everyday things that Kamio told us, the things that we all live, the things that we see every day, but that, by applying Maslow's theory, they're going to get a level. “The individual has to meet his needs. Once the lower level is satisfied, one level will be raised and your needs will be met.” And so Garazi raises the levels as the life of stories does, but in that ascension you see the absurdity, injustice, and the cracks of life loaded with metaphor, irony, semantics of patetismo.El genre has a great presence, the stories Nessum

dorma and Panenka are a clear example of this. One looks at the first female guy and the other looks at the current one and makes them see in conflict. The first tells us how John seduced Tirandot with the opera in girls “twenty years after he got married, John told him that he had never been in the opera. All lies, the deceit of Gregory Peck.” After eighty years, after a very long flock, we'll see the husband with Alzheimer's and the woman lobuna fall out of bed: one with broken memory and the other with hips. The voice and reflection are of the woman, the pain of lies and the despair of the past life. And Mary finally dares. “I would ask for divorce, then you would know what it is to be alone” and John: "Divorce? Where do they sell? You'll have it all closed." It was only by this phrase that the book was worthwhile. Above disease is man, irony, treachery, in a word, the metaphor of life of dependence.

Panenka tells us the new generations how grandparents break the bans of playing in the lounge and the reasons for the ban. Bitter mother tells us of the past in which all the prohibitions were activated by the fear of breaking Bohemia's crystals: the past and the present that my daughter, wrapped with her ball in a newspaper, so easily throws into the trash. This story plays with absurdity, as one of the protagonists who hates football is the daughter of a football enthusiast, Betis. A reflection on the roles, the attachment to the father's football and the silence of the husband. The protagonist thinks of everything, even to spoil the shirts of the Betis with bleach. "Football is like other hobbies, you can't delete it as you can. And if you dirty the t-shirt with bleach, it will become a follower of Real Madrid.” “Your husband, with all peace of mind, has put Goal in the middle of the door.”

Camio has brought us goals linearly across the distances of the second, third and first person. However, it still seems to me that the narrator is not completely crazy and that the narration has to stretch more, but in the second safe. To end with gender, I propose the last story as an exercise in gender search. Get them on your side.

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