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Oharkabean joaten utzi behar ez diren zazpi sintoma

Sentitzen diren hainbat sintomen zeresana jakin daiteke
Sentitzen diren hainbat sintomen zeresana jakin daiteke

Egia da batzuetan aparteko arrazoirik gabe kezkatzen garela, eta ez dagoela medikuarengana zertan joan gorputzak aldaketaren bat duen bakoitzean. Baina egia da, era berean, badirela seinale batzuk, garaiz hartuta serioa gerta litekeen trastorno baten irtenbide egokirako modua ematen dutenak. Biztanleriaren %60k aparteko premia edo beharrik gabe jotzen du larrialdi zerbitzuetara. Horregatik seinale batzuk ezagutzen jakitea oso baliagarria izan daiteke, seinale horiek adieraz dezaketen gaitzari garrantzi egokia emateko.

Gorputzak barruko desorekaren baten edo gaixotasun jakin baten berri ematen diguten seinaleak bidaltzen dizkigu sarritan. Horregatik, abisu horiei garrantzirik ez kentzea komeni da, gerora gaitz larriagoak izan daitezkeenak saihesteko balio dutelako.

Beste zerbait ezkuta dezaketen molestia itxuraz garrantzi gabeak

-Hainbat astetako eztula. Bronkitis biriko baten berri eman diezaguke, edo sudurreko polipoen susmoa sorrarazi. Dena den, medikuaren auskultazioak diagnostikoa argituko du, eta baita beste arrazoi posible batzuk baztertu ere; asma, esate baterako. Eztulaz gainera karkaxarekin odola botatzen bada, gaitz larriagoren bat ote dagoen aztertu beharko da –biriketako minbizia, azken muturrean–.

-Bertigo iraunkorra. Normalean gertatzen den bezala pare bat egunean desagertu ordez, denbora igaro ahala bertigoak gero eta gogorragoak direnean eta gero eta eragozpen handiagoa eragiten dutenean, litekeena da horien azpian belarriko trastornoren bat egotea, edo oraindik diagnostikatu gabe dagoen diabetesa, hipertentsioa edo arteriosklerosia.

-Gehiegizko logura. Horren azpian loaren trastorno garrantzitsuren bat egon daiteke –gaueko apneak, esaterako– eta komeni da mediku batek ikustea. Depresioa eta herstura edo antsietatea bezalako arazo psikologikoak ere izan daitezke arrazoia. Hormona tiroideoaren jaitsiera, eta odolean kaltzio edo sodio gehiegi egotea ere aipatu behar dira gehiegizko logalearen erantzuleen artean. Diagnostiko egokia eta tratamendua beharrezkoak dira kasu guztietan.

-Odol-galerak menopausiaren ostean. Kasu gehienetan emakumeak garai horretan izan ohi duen estrogeno-mailaren beherakadak sortuak izan arren, zenbait egunetan zikinduz gero, zoaz ginekologoarengana, litekeena baita endometriosia edo baginako irritazio edo inflamazioren bat izatea egoeraren jatorria. Medikuak agindutako tratamendu hormonalak ere sor ditzake ezohiko odol-galera horiek, baina hori espezialistak baloratuko du.

Min lokalizatuak

-Buruko minak. Bat-batean agertzen badira, ohikoa ez den intentsitatearekin –minak “erre” egiten duela esaten dute gaixoek–, garuneko infartu baten etorreraren abisu moduko seinaletzat har daitezke. Minarekin batera ikusmen eta koordinazio-arazoak badituzu, zoaz medikuarengana.

-Sabeleko mina. Mina sabelaren goiko aldean kokatua badago, edo behe-eskuinaldean, eta minaz gain sukarra agertzen bada, pankreako arazoren bat izan daiteke.

-Gerrialdeko mina. Disko-herniaren bat izan daiteke, batzuetan indar muskularraren galera ekarri ohi duena. Mina bizkarralde osora zabaltzen bada, behazuneko kalkuluak edo harriak izan daitezke.

2025-01-28 | Julene Flamarique
I. Sexual Violence against Young Women in Navarre The study
They propose to focus on men to combat radicalizing machismo
Most of the sexual aggressors belong to the social environment of the victim and it is necessary to distance themselves from the “idea of the phantom rapist in the street” I on Sexual Violence against Young Women in Navarre. The exams. The study has focused on young people... [+]

2025-01-28 | Leire Ibar
Memorialist associations request that La Cumbre be handed over to the City Council of San Sebastián
The General Assemblies of Gipuzkoa demand that the La Cumbre building in San Sebastián, where Lasa and Zabala were kidnapped and tortured, be transformed into a space for historical memory. The palace was due to be ceded by the state to the City Council of San Sebastián in... [+]

Pictures of DeepSeek
Envy China: The Trade War Is Called Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT is no longer "too much". A more intense, accessible and cheaper competitor has stood in front of the US and world leader: DeepSeek has seen the light of the hand of a Chinese company. The world has danced and not expressly for the good. The American microchip company... [+]

2025-01-28 | Leire Ibar
The Guardian workers will start an unlimited strike
The management of the Laudio plant informed the business committee on Monday that it will definitively close the company. The closing process will begin on January 29. The strike will begin on Thursday and the workers will gather on the same day.

2025-01-28 | Julene Flamarique
Tourism regulation in Baztan: approval of the accommodation control plan
The new plan proposes the separation of the valley of Baztan in the four historical zones. It will also be responsible for the regulation of the opening of new tourist accommodation, which will depend on the urban sustainability indicators defined.

2025-01-28 | Mikel Aramendi
Appeasing the war in Myanmar is not good news for some
Ten days ago, on 18 January, a ceasefire was signed between the ruling Myanmar military junta in the Chinese city of Kunming and the insurgent Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA). It is not the first to be agreed in the context of the civil war that followed the... [+]

2025-01-28 | Julene Flamarique
The Spanish Government is considering the possibility of learning how to drive outside the car school, the car schools against
The new model could save students thousands of euros. Teachers at the auto schools criticize the plan and expose the danger that may arise on the roads. They warn that the new measure “jeopardizes the employment of thousands of teachers.”

Vocational training practices are a source of problems
The dual system is already underway in this academic year in the Vocational Training of the Southern Basque Country, and although it has been sold as an example, it is proving problematic in several centers: the teachers “are going through red” in search of companies for all... [+]

World March of Women Declares the Need to Develop Feminist Justice
The World March of Basque Country Women held a conference on sexist violence this weekend in Atarrabia. The judicial system has been called into question, the values of feminist justice and self-defense have been analyzed.

2025-01-28 | UEU
The Bakedano Moreno Sea
"We are all referents in sex education"
The online course "Sex education beyond classrooms" with the UEU will be taught by the sexologist Mar Bakedano Moreno (Baldorba, 1992). She holds a Master’s degree in Sex Education and Counselling from INCISEX, a Clinical Sexology Training from Dos Areas and a Pedagogical and... [+]

Bilboko Axel Hotelaren irregulartasunak salatu eta itxiera eskatu du EHGAMek

EHGAMek Axel hotelaren irregulartasunei jarritako helegitearen inguruko isiltasun administratiboaren ondoren, hotelaren itxiera eskatzen du eta hainbat eragileekin batera prentsaurrekoa eman dute.

Breton loses half of its speakers in six years, according to the latest study
In Brittany, the population that speaks Breton very well or quite well is 2.7%, three points less than in 2018. Today it is 107,000. The speakers are younger. The number of Galo speakers has also decreased, but not at the same speed as the Breton language.

2025-01-28 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Free Mountains of Urumea
"What we really need is economic and social change that respects natural, cultural and social wealth"
The popular initiative “The Urumea Mountains Alive” has brought together a large number of people in Hernani Square. He reports on the two wind macroprojects that they intend to carry out in these mountains, explains the damages that they would entail and calls on all... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude