Son of the accordionist. Author: Bernardo Atxaga. Theatre adaptation: Patxo Telleria. Address: Fernando Bernués. Music: Iñaki Salvador. Scenography José Ibarrola. Lighting: Xabier Lozano. Wardrobe: Ana Turrillas. Actors: Aitor BELTRAN, Joseba Apaolaza, Vito rogado, Anke Moll, Iñaki Rikarte, Patxo Telleria, Mikel Losada, Asier Hernandez, Amancay Gaztañaga, David Pinilla, Mireia Gabilondo. Production: Tanttaka teatroa, Teatro Arriaga de Bilbao, Teatro Principal de Vitoria and Teatro Victoria Eugenia de San Sebastián.
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
The... [+]
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]
Otsailaren 13a Torturaren Kontrako eguna izanki, Euskal Herriko Torturaren Sareak gutun publiko bat igorri du. Poliziek torturatu euskal jendeen lekukotasunak bildu, eta aitortza egiteko xedea du sare berri horrek Euskal Herri osoan. Torturatuak izan diren 5.000 pertsonei... [+]