Elections and realism
Garbiñe Biurrun Mancisidor 2012ko urriaren 30

I have used the day of reflection to write my article. It's October 20. Thus, the “great day of democracy” has not yet come and the concrete will of the people is not known. The result of these elections, the agreements to be reached, the failure of some interviews, the success of others, the composition of the government... Today there seemed to be an urgent need for further reflection.

According to the Declaration of Human Rights and the Spanish Constitution, citizens have the right to participate in public affairs, either directly or through representatives, freely elected by universal suffrage in periodic elections.

Therefore, in these elections, we citizens are selecting our representatives to exercise our right to participate in public affairs. The liturgy and spectacle offered in the electoral process must be at the service of the latter. But also in the service of it, undeniable principles such as transparency, non-discrimination, equal access to public office and social plurality – in the terms of the Law of the electoral Basque Parliament.

I would add another foundation: realism.

Well, in my opinion, all these principles are wobbling during the campaign of all electoral processes.

On the one hand, I do not see clearly that the principles of transparency, equality and political plurality are fully adhered to. No, that's it. Firstly, because it is in the hands of the political parties and because the intervention of other groups is not properly promoted: not even a system of open lists is accepted. On the other hand, the electoral process itself is very rigid. In this system, small parties and groups are harmed by various causes, but above all by the scant possibility they are given in the public media and by the little help they receive from the public authorities.

If the people have to participate in public affairs, albeit indirectly, it should be done as a people. But that's not the case. The reality is that we citizens are currently experiencing an extreme crisis and suffering. And that situation should also be reflected in the electoral processes. But that is not the case at all: the expenditure has not been reduced (neither structural nor party expenditure nor the aid they receive), the means used have not been reduced and, in my view, all the major parties have acted courageously.

A healthy democracy is based on a strong, structured and effective civil society. This requires that all institutions and groups have the opportunity to deepen the freedom regime, recognizing and respecting the diversity of citizenship.

Today, no one denies that our society is ever further away from politics. It is therefore absolutely necessary and urgent to restore and strengthen the links between citizenship and political institutions. To this end, it is necessary to promote the real and effective participation of society in public life, not only through elections, but also through this electoral system. We must continue to strengthen other avenues and tools and improve the ones we already have.