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Metalaren estalpean konposatzea

  • Eraso! : Ez gara inoiz hilko

    Bonberenea ekintzak

    iraupena ::42´58´´

    prezioa ::10€

Ez genuen Zarauzko taldearen itzulera espero, baina aitortu digute denbora honetan erritmo lasaiagoan entseatzen aritu direla eta ez dutela taldea hiltzen utzi. Eta azkenaldi honetan baxu jotzailea Barricadarekin partekatzen dute. Eraso! metalaren koordenadatan mugitu da beti. Alabaina, rockerako hurbilketa ere izan da taldearen marka, eta honakoan joera hori areagotu dela esango nuke. Metal melodikoa leku handiagoa hartzen ari bada ere, eskola zaharreko thrasha ez da erabat ezkutatu, ezta metal pisutsu modernoagoa ere. Baina bada gaur bertan sailkatzeko zailtasunak ematen dituen Gaur ez bada bihar moduko pieza ezohikorik, edo balada, rock gogorra eta stonerra ezkontzeko gai den Malkoa, besteak beste. Oraingoan, inoiz baino nabarmenago, inorekin ez dela ezkontzen erakutsi du laukoteak.
"Sentiberatasuna eta gogortasuna batuta, kantek indar eta sinesgarritasun handiagoa dute"

Sergio, ahots erregistro desberdin asko erabili dituzu, batzuk orain arte ezohikoak...

Beti jolastu nahi izan dut erregistro desberdinekin. Eraso!-k ez du metal edo rock arloan talde askok egiten duten bezala ahots bakarrarekin jolasten. Gure ustez, hitzekin jolastuta, sentiberatasuna eta gogortasuna batuta, indar eta sinesgarritasun haundiagoa ematen da. Baina egia da oraingoan gehiago esperimentatu dudala ahots eta koroekin, baita bigarren eta hirugarren ahotsekin ere. Begirada berezia ematen dio diskoari.

“Lurraren eta uraren artean, bien arteko eremuan”. Hanka bat metalean eta bestea rockean daukazue. Oreka zaila da?

Gauza berriak probatu nahi genituen, gure bost diskoak desberdinak dira eta inoiz ez gara mugimendu baten barruan egon. Rock zaleentzat metaleroak gara eta metaleroentzat arraroak edo rockeroak, baina gure filosofia eta izaera metalean daude.

Disko honetako tempoa pausatuagoa da. Hala irten da?

Baliteke pausatuagoa izatea baina disko guztietan erabili izan ditugu horrelako tempoak. Hala ere, disko honetan badira inoiz erabili ditugun pasarterik azkarrenak ere. Ez dugu nahita egin, horrela atera dira kantuak.

Gauza asko aldatuta ikusi dituzue musika eszenan, itzulera honetan?

Kontzertu eza. Lehen askoz ere kontzertu gehiago egiten ziren, gaur egun ez dago horrelako eskaintza zabala. Gaur egun rocka ez da hain arriskutsua gazteentzat. Eta jende gutxiago hurbiltzen dela kontzertuak ikustera. Hori ere ikusi dugu.

“Argazkia” zeharo aldentzen da metaletik, eta rock alternatiboan kokatuta ikusten dut.

Rock alternatiboa asko gustatu zaigu. Gure eraginetako bat da. Eroso sentitzen gara horrelako gauza desberdinak egiten. Gure jarraitzaileek ere badakite Eraso!-k nahi duen kantua egin dezakeela bere eskematik aldenduta. Horrelako kantek diskoa aberasten dute.

Several professors have created a group that aims to stop the "drift" of educational policies: "Bureaucracy is unsustainable"
A group of professors from the CAV has created the Meeting Point of the Professors of Artistic Education. They want to denounce the "drift" of educational policies, arguing that they are based on new continuous methodologies, on a "tremendous bureaucracy" and on the "absurd use" of... [+]

2025-01-14 | Sustatu
Marathon "Dragoi Bola" to celebrate the exposition of episodes in Makusin
EITB’s headquarters in Bilbao will host next Saturday, January 18, the “dragoi Bola” marathon, from 16:00 to 21:00 hours. The reason is that the sections of the Dragoi Bola dubbed in Euskera will reach the Makusi platform, in Basque and free of charge, as every Friday some... [+]

Asier Cabodevilla (AZ Ekimena)
“Auzoa indartzen segitzeko proiektua da Jantoki Herrikoia”

Iaz jarri zuten martxan lehenengoz Alde Zaharrean Jantoki Herrikoia. Auzokoak elkartu eta mahaiaren bueltan konpainian bazkaltzea da gakoetako bat. "Auzotarrak elkarren artean ezagutu eta komunitatea sortzea da gure nahia", azaldu du AZ Ekimeneko kide Asier... [+]

2025-01-14 | UEU
Naiara Martin Gomez
"Adults must take a step back to recognize that children are part of the community."
Naiara Martín Gómez (Elgoibar, 1982) will teach in February in Pamplona the course "How to promote child participation through community actions". He graduated in Pedagogy and is responsible for the Department of Child Education of Atxutxiamaika. Registration is open on the... [+]

Instagram account 'Euskal Herria Complaints' collects nearly 500 testimonies of sexual assaults since November
In November 2024, a group of anonymous women launched the Instagram account to collect testimonies about male violence. In the Spanish state they have based themselves on the #Cuentalo project launched by journalist Cristina Fallaras. Women, through anonymous testimonies, have... [+]

The work of the Gautxori group is strengthened in the Irun Reception Network
The Irun Reception Network made a review of 2024. Compared to the previous year, more migrants have passed through the network, and the receptions of the Gautxori group have multiplied by four.

2025-01-13 | Gedar
Brutal police repression at the tribute to Luxembourg and Liebknecht rally in Berlin
The traditional communist mobilisation in Berlin, marked by solidarity with Palestine, was brutally repressed by the police: burdens, wounded hospitalized, arrests, rodeos of demonstrators at a metro station, etc.

Ahetzek auzapez abertzalea izanen du: Ramuntxo Labat-Aramendi

EH Bai koalizioak babesturiko Ahetzen zerrenda gailendu da bozen bigarren itzulian, joan den igandean, botoen %44 erdietsirik.

Maduro takes office as president and González does not appear in Venezuela
After being absent from Venezuela since September, and after a campaign tour through South America in recent weeks, Edmundo González had promised to run for the elections on the day that Nicolás Maduro took office in the capital, Caracas. Its only trace has been a video hung... [+]

2025-01-13 | Jon Torner Zabala
The Basque Country Selekzioa is now preparing to support the pelotaris who renounce the selections of France or Spain
The Basque Country Selekzioa Orain held its first general meeting at the Makea in Lapurdi. Fifteen pelotaris from Ipar Euskal Herria who announced last summer their renunciation to play with the French team today complete the initiative which aims, among others, to make known... [+]

2025-01-13 | ARGIA
The trial against former Gernika coach starts on Tuesday
The Prosecutor's Office is calling for fourteen years in jail for former basketball coach Mario López, charged with a crime of murder. The particular accusation, for its part, calls for a sentence of eighteen years in prison. The Feminist Network of Gernika-Lumo has called a... [+]

2025-01-13 | Gerardo Luzuriaga
Selection of the Basque Country?

The achievement of the Euskadi Selection has undoubtedly been a historic achievement. But if you stick to that, for many Basques – I too, because I am Navarro – it will be the darkest and saddest day. After enjoying the joy and warmth of the first few days, let's go back to... [+]

Worrying current situation and consequences of Hearing and Language Teachers

Hearing and language teachers (PDI) and speech therapists are specialist teachers who work in both the public and the concerted school. Among its functions is the direct attention to students with language and communication difficulties, but also the establishment of incremental... [+]

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