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How do we achieve independence?

  • Vilaweb has analysed how the parliamentary elections of 25 November can condition the process of self-determination at a time when the cry for independence in Catalonia is increasingly being heard.
Independentziaren aldeko manifestazioa Katalunian

The fact that Parlament approves the motion for the referendum on self-determination in Catalonia has given a new impetus to the process of independence, although the Spanish Government has already said that it will not accept the division. If the process can go ahead, it will be seen in the elections of 25 November, as the article on the roadmap to achieve independence Com s’arriba independència (How it reaches independence) (28-09-2012).

If the supporters of the sovereign consultation (CIU, ERC, ICV-EUiA, Solidaritat and Catalan Democracy) obtained poor results, the possibility of holding a referendum would be frustrated that very night. Pp and Ciutadans have clearly spoken out against the consultation, while Puigdemont voted against it. The CSP, for its part, chose to abstain in the vote last week. On the other hand, if respondents barely win, the process would cool a bit, but if they win with a considerable advantage – Vilaweb says that a difference of at least 10 points would have to be made – the consultation would take place in a short time. The forecasts suggest that a Parliament similar to the present will be formed in November, which would be sufficient to enable progress to be made in the process.

Position of the Spanish Government

The article stresses that for the Spanish Government it will not be as easy as the suspension of the consultation is created, as the case could go beyond Spanish borders. In other words, it would enter the European agenda, so to speak, and close the doors to it would provoke international stir, as an initiative of a Parliament voted by the ciudadanos.Las three

options of the Generalitat de Catalunya

If Spain refuses, the Govern would have three options. One: accepting the ban – it does not seem to happen. Two: seek the completion of the questionnaire without authorization. And three: declaring independence in Parliament in the face of prohibition.

If the consultation were to be attempted, the result of the consultation would be a problem for the Government of Spain. Many citizens would not vote, but the European institutions would not be able to count all abstentions as votes against.

On the other hand, if Catalonia proclaims its independence, the case will be transferred to the international community, especially if it is approved by a European state. If more and more states accept it, the debate would be put on a different footing.

The case raises many questions, if any, if any and if any, but as Vilaweb says at the end of the article, since the September 11 Diada, the process has advanced rapidly.

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