Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Past, present and future

All times are decisive. What has gone, what is and what is coming. We have to move forward, of course, but the question is where the next moment is based or where we build it.

I would not give a single answer. It depends on the point of view we take. Or, rather, the area we cover.

I would say that the concerns and wishes of all the citizens can be realised in three areas: pacification, political normalisation, labour relations and well-being. I do not see any other important socio-political area today.

What value does the past have in these matters? Should we discard it completely or recover it and consolidate it completely? What are we doing?

The economic crisis has made industrial relations and well-being its main consequence. In this area, it is clear that we are taking steps backwards, which do not know how to move forward. The first measures taken for any problem are to return to the past: deregulating labour relations, reducing working conditions, reducing social protections... The past, therefore, has a special value: rather than looking to the future, those who send in politics and in the economy are claiming and admiring the past time. Therefore, little future and lack of reflection. If we do not invent new paths, revolutionize the system, read the past from a critical point of view and take other measures, if we continue down this road, in twenty years’ time we will find ourselves in the same situation and return to our past, but, at this stage, the past of then will be the 19th century.

Looking back on political standardisation is not a step forward. Why? Because the connection we have had with Spain in the past – and now – has never been normalised. Because, of course, in a healthy society, personal, social and political relationships are voluntary. Because without will there is no freedom. And because without freedom, there's no solidity. How long will the mirror be? How long will it be an insurmountable wall for the future?

Why can we not build a new future based on the free will of citizens? I make that wager, I do no harm to anyone, and I want to answer the fundamental question that I have never been asked. What are the “reasons” that will be opposed? What obstacles? What has been heard so far is a claim for regulation and, therefore, a sad and dark past.

Reconciliation, on the other hand, needs the past. Why? Our suffering, because our people and our feelings are there. And our political activity as well. It's your own. How do we build a free and healthy social group by forgetting the suffering we have suffered? How can we move forward without analysing and rejecting everything that happened? How and why should we acknowledge the pain we have experienced when we heard that it was legitimate for many political objectives?

Yes, it's everybody's past, and we'll all have to carry this burden. But we cannot rule out this burden on the road, even if we can move forward more “comfortably”. I am willing to keep carrying that backpack on top, but if we are more people, we are all and there are new necks, the burden will be lighter and their distribution fairer. In this way, some people are likely to thrive without charge, even if their heart is still crying.

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