Pruden was born in a small town of Álava 68 years ago. Most of his life has been spent in Vitoria-Gasteiz, but once he retired he has returned to the village and lives there among friends of the garden, of the facebook and of the cards. He has left Koldo, his good son, and the sons of Koldo, Aimar and Maider in the city.
Koldo has worked for years in journalism, but now, with friends and friends in many media, he has become a great benchmark in communication counseling and public relations. A year ago, he achieved a great deal of contract with a company dedicated to the exploitation of fuels and the carrying out of surveys. At first, meeting the communication needs of this company has not been difficult:nobody published anything. But now the hustle and bustle begins and it is increasingly difficult to convince those who have already worked that there is no news.
Koldo is a good son. The mother is going to visit her almost every weekend since her retirement so her grandmother and her grandchildren are together, and because it's OK for the city's children to feel the land, the farmhouse and the mountain. Like every Saturday, on September 22, they have met in the hamlet with the excuse of the meal prepared by the grandmother.
“Today is the international day against fracking,” Pruden said, unexpectedly. And Koldo's whistle starts to thicken. Maider is a questioning girl. “What is fracking, do you love?” Before Koldo opened his mouth, Aimar responded quickly and without pause: that there is a slate gas beneath all the soils of the locality and that to take it out they have to break down underground stones, and that they will introduce water and chemicals to break. That's why it's called fracking.
While Koldo tries to take off the tongue and the ceiling, Maider takes the floor: how many liters would it take to break the rock and this year with the drought that has occurred, where they will bring so much water, and see what they will do with polluted water and gas, and how they will transport water and gas if the road that goes to the village is so narrow...
“That’s what I say, that...”, says Pruden.
“What’s more important, father, water or gas?” Koldo announces he has to go to the bathroom. When she left, grandma and her nephews are ready to attend the conference to be held in the village. Antifracking. “We will eat on October 6, and after eating, to the demonstration!” concluded Grandma Pruden.
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