Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Everything is going very fast, we are going to be a free state in Europe"

  • Josep Colomer (Barcelona, 1961), who has never participated in politics, has shown his enthusiasm for the opportunity and responsibility given to him by the ANC, the Catalan National Assembly, to work for his country. On 11 September, the Catalan people confessed that they have filled with illusion that the Catalan people respond by beating the streets of Barcelona. The same can be seen in the words.

25 September 2012
"Pazientzia, katalanon ezaugarri bereizgarrietako bat da".Lander Arretxea
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Why has the desire for independence increased in Catalonia?

To begin with, we believe that the treatment given to us by the Spanish State is colonial. Although we have the necessary resources to maintain our education, health and other public services, what we have to give the Spanish State forces us to indebtedness. It's crazy. Spain has mismanaged its relationship with Catalonia in all areas: fiscal, linguistic, institutional… For example, Catalan entrepreneurs suffer the boycott in the rest of the autonomous communities; the development of our language and culture is also hampered.

In short, as Carme Forcadell [President of the ANC] said, with the possibility of standing in Europe, we do not want to live on our knees in Spain.

The ANC has achieved what the political parties have been unable to achieve: Unify and channel Catalan independence.

Seeing that we are a social movement has given the public confidence. Unfortunately, politicians and political parties are discredited in Spain by corruption cases. On the other hand, until now the nationalist parties have always been very careful about this issue, as they did not know that the desire for independence was so widespread. We have therefore been at the right time and in the right place. Our contribution has been that society needed a popular movement in favor of its own State to channel the independence force. However, we have not only gone down the road, but have also collaborated with various associations, politicians and social partners.

The Catalans, with the exhibition of September 11, have not only advanced the political class, but have also set the agenda and course of the parties.

That's right. We have organised marches, consultations and demonstrations in favour of independence, but what has strengthened this has been the people’s illusion. The demonstration, which was particularly massive and massive, has undoubtedly placed the issue of independence at the heart of society and of the political agenda, also in Spain and in the European Union.

The president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, has also apparently joined the motto that filled the streets of Barcelona.

In CIU, there are independence members and they are not, but things are clearly changing. Jordi Pujol, for example, recognizes today that the only alternative for the survival of the Catalan nation is the State itself. Artur Mas and CIU, as representatives of the Catalans, have a responsibility to respond to the majority aspirations of society and, to do so, have to work for independence. Moreover, we believe that the day after the demonstration they began to do so. But he has taken an important step on his way to secession.

Would the Fiscal Pact appease the desire to be a state?

No, it's too late for that. Of course, the economy is the main cause of society’s outrage, but dignity also has its weight. The Catalan people have been offended and want a state that will help them maintain their identity. The Fiscal Pact will not change this.

And the slowness of the process?

I do not believe that this will undermine the illusion of the people. Patience is one of the hallmarks of the Catalans, and although we know that the road is going to be as long as it is difficult, we are willing to do everything that needs to be done. In 2010, the self-determination demonstration was very multitudinous, so this year’s Diada has been even more multitudinous. This is on the rise.

There are those who have reproached you for neglecting social issues.

We work for independence. If this is achieved, the political parties would decide on the basis of the decisions they make in Parliament on social issues that are considered to be of interest. We are prepared to work with any group on the road to independence, but we do not value the views of political parties on other issues. That's not our job.

What are the next steps in the secession process? What will be the responsibility of Congress in this process?

The next step in our roadmap is to continue the consultations on independence in 2013, preferably through official institutions. Furthermore, it is intended to inform and bring together those who vote no or abstain in a possible referendum, so that they know at least our arguments. In the meantime, decision-making is the task of political parties. But everything goes very fast and the roadmap may not meet the requirements. The advance of the elections and a hypothetical victory of the independence forces in Catalonia would accelerate the process considerably. We have asked the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia to do so.

And what can be done if the Spanish Government obstructs separation?

We know that it's not going to be a friendly divorce, that the road is going to have a thousand difficulties, but that's what international law is for. We believe that Europe would look favourably on the independence of Catalonia, because ours is a country that generates wealth. That is why we should seek allies in the European Union. Moreover, the decline of the Spanish State is undeniable. Everyone is looking at it, because of the consequences that the painful management of the crisis may have, and with it, the current state model also loses strength.

Will Catalonia become a state?

Yes, this process driven by the people themselves is unstoppable. With the historic manifestation of the Day of the Diad, a new phase has begun, which will extend to independence. Everything is happening very quickly and, sooner or later, Catalonia will become the new European state.

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