Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Entretenimendu hutsari kontra egin behar diogu"

  • Karteleran zein bestela: hil arte bizi.

Urte osoan zine-aretoak hutsik eta denak Zinemaldiaren zain!

Zinera joaten ez den jendea zinemaldiko ilara amaigabeetan ikustean auzo-lotsa sentitzen dut. Folklorea da, festa, kalean ez dakit zein famatu ikusteko aukera... Bakoitzak egin dezala nahi duena, baina koherentziari buruzko leziorik eman gabe.

Donostian ez dagoela kultur mugimendurik diote progre guai koherenteek.

Ez da izango Alde Zaharrean tragoak hartzea gehiago gustatzen zaigula eta, gauerdian, txispatuta, “Donostian ez dago ezer!” haserretzen garela? Ba bazegoen, baina gu pintxoak jaten geunden!

ETB1eko fikzio eskaintza oparoarekin entretenitzen ginela esan behar nizun, baina...

Batetik ETBk fikzioa behar du, eta bestetik beste mota bateko fikzioa. Dena oso garbia, txuria, eta puritanoa iruditzen zait. Zergatik ez Sex and the city bezalako telesail bat Donostian? Amonei izugarri gustatuko litzaieke!

Edertasun kanonen diktaduran jausten ez garen bitartean...

Ez dut uste itsusia edo polita izatea denik kontua, zera berezi hori edukitzea baizik. Begira Carmen Machi, ez da bereziki ederra, baina bere bizitza osoan egin du lan, aktore bikaina delako. Horixe da irauteko dugun euskarri bakarra.

Antzerkiak Euskal Herrian irauteko duen euskarria komedia den bezalaxe?

Euskal Herrian ez dago antzerkirako ohitura handirik eta jendeak komediak nahi ditu, barre egin, gutxi pentsatu. Horri kultura programatzeko dirurik ez dagoela gehituz gero tarte txikia geratzen da, baina entretenimendu hutsari kontra egin behar diogu.

Lehenbizi, esplikatu jendeari zuen lanbidea ez dela farandula bakarrik!

Zergatik begiratzen diogu oker farandulari? Noiz ohartuko gara antzezpen bakoitzaren atzean dagoen lanaz? Ulertu nezake fabrikan zortzi orduz lan egiten duenarentzat mundu eroa izatea gurea, baina agian niretzat harena eroagoa da.

Ez didazu botako purrustadarik zuen lanbidearen prekarietate eta segurtasun ezagatik?

B plan batekin izugarri lasaitzen naiz eta ez naiz nire burua aktore lanetan ez bada inon ikusten ez duen horietakoa. Ate andana daukat irekitzeke. Hori bai, gehien gustatzen zaidana itxi arte ez nituzke ireki nahi.

Lasai, egiten duzuna egiten duzula, Goenkale-ko Mimi izango zara beti.

Putakeria litzateke ez banu beste ezer egin, baina beste erregistro asko lantzeko aukera izan dudanez, arazorik ez. Gainera, Mimiri kariñoa diot, nahiz eta azkenerako ez nekien zer pentsatzen zuen berak eta zer nik.

“We believe that in the face of the cultural offensive of dystopias and the individualistic and desperate reality in general, we must represent utopias to be more mentally and emotionally stronger,” he distributed the awards of the contest of accounts and translations of the... [+]

2025-01-08 | Leire Ibar
The Agricultural College of Hazparne will teach three subjects in Basque from the next course
The students of the private school Armand David de Hazparne will have the opportunity to study in Basque the subjects of Agro-equipment, Social and Economic Sciences and Business Economics. The director of the centre, Bertrand Gaufryau, explained that this training will take... [+]

2025-01-08 | Garazi Zabaleta
Aina Socies Fiol
"In each island of the Balearic Islands there are many varieties of plants that do not exist in the others"
Many of them will join the Balearic Islands only with Oporleku, but on the island of Mallorca they have a living movement around agroecology and consumption: The Associació de Varietats Locals de Mallorca (association of local seed varieties) is an example of this. In early... [+]

2025-01-08 | Leire Ibar
They call for the suspension of the Israeli Maccabi party in Vitoria
On 7 February, the Maccabi of Tel Aviv faces Baskonia in Vitoria-Gasteiz with the intention of qualifying for the Endesa League. The Palestinian Solidarity Platform has denounced that Israel uses its cultural and sports initiatives to "curb crimes against the Palestinian... [+]

2025-01-08 | Nicolas Goñi
How do you turn soils into weather aids?
Extreme drought and rainfall have become a new norm. Among the increasing economic and ecosystem damages, those sustained by cultivation are not the lowest. These are soils that desiccate in times of drought or that cannot absorb all the water in large rains. How to become part... [+]

2025-01-08 | Julen Azpitarte
Harry Smith replied: Filmmaker, folklorist and magician who transforms American art
Harry Smith (1923-1991) was a multifaceted artist. Also radical nonconformist, as highlighted in many of his biographies. Far from the institutions and the Galerists, for years he looked like a beggar. The latest book on it, Cosmic Scholar: The Life and Times of Harry Smith,... [+]

2025-01-08 | ARGIA
They ask in the Parliament of Navarra job opportunities for people with mental disorders
The number of people with mental problems is increasing, they still have a great social stigma behind them and, to cope with this, Elkarkide tries to guide the working world to those suffering from a mental disorder, as explained in the Parliament of Navarra. It is asking for... [+]

You won't steal

The Catholic Church has owned 2,952 properties of the Navarros and Navarras. A total of 981 parishes, temples, hermites, churches, abbeys and basilicas distributed in 267 localities in Navarre; 234 gardens; 195 prairies; 216 cereal parcels; 181 dry fields, 16 irrigation crops,... [+]

What does 2025 bring?

I've done a quick analysis of the technology forecasts for 2025. Like every year, when you talk about what technology is going to bring to the media in 2025, the discourse is very similar. Many of us who write about technology have the anxiety of knowing more than it's going to... [+]

2025-01-08 | Ula Iruretagoiena
Territory and architecture
On the planet of the house

At Christmas they leave a new book on the bedside table. About the philosophy and joy of the house, recently written by Emanuele Coccia. Coccia, an Italian philosopher, has become popular in making known our connections with plants on the road to the construction of a healthy... [+]

2025-01-08 | Castillo Suárez

Snow hides the earth and the traces of beings looking for pleasure. Under the beauty of snow there is time, years, generations, ephemerides, quotations; but when time goes by there are words that have not been said before or after. Snow reminds us that we could slip and fall. As... [+]

Ended with Palestine (and with the world)

The world has also done so, because it is a symbol, because in history more genocides have already been done and will be done (bad luck, hear, it has touched you to be born there), but Palestine has special characteristics:

  • A long time ago, at the end of the 19th century, it... [+]

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