We seem to love the paradox: at this time increasingly worse, there are more privileged people than ever. This is demonstrated by numerous and diverse people, who, from humility, without fear, feel privileged to be able to go to work every day. Because they have work. Because they have pay.
It is well known that perversion often begins with language, with the way of naming the world, because it is now a privileged person with work, something that has not happened until recently. The discontent of the economy has just turned it into a privilege to go to work. Clearly, this issue of the privilege of working stems from putting employers alongside those who are not in employment.
And we are wrong: wage earners are not privileged, whether they are self-employed, civil servants or employees. Economic dignity is not a privilege, but a right, at least according to the written laws that protect and ratify us. But, paradoxically, we are coming back to the door: those who have rights are privileged. Less and less.
Zerbait egin beharra izan liteke aurtengo Argia Sarietan garaikurra jaso berri dutenen oinarria. Zapalkuntzaren, bazterkeriaren, ahanzturaren aurrean antolatzearen erabakia hartu izana. Edo ilunetik argia ateratzea, zirrikituak bilatzea eta komunitateari eskaintzea. Balio... [+]
The road goes by steps, and I learned a little while ago that it seems to have already begun. But people also want to learn to fill that sentence with content. Alone we could achieve little, maybe even resignation as soon as we started. Gathering huge crowds can also complicate... [+]
Ez zuen egoki jokatu, neurriak hartu behar ziren, bestela, ez dugu ikasten. Itxuraz, ez zen ohartzen egindakoaren inpaktuaz, normal jarraitzen zuen, batzuetan, ingurukoek baino itxura zoriontsuagoz. Gainera, altuegi hitz egiten du, hori ez zaio inori gustatzen. Darabiltzan... [+]
The Department of Education doesn't understand why public employees have gone on strike. He's got to ask the LAB Syndicate. This union signed an agreement with the department in April 2023. Two years later they have also called for a strike because, unlike the previous ones, the... [+]
Erretiratu berri den lankide-ohi baten omenez, Historiako irakaslea. Bejondeizula!
Hezkuntza-legeek azpimarratzen dute zein garrantzitsua den ikasleengan pentsamendu kritikoa sustatzea. Baina irakasle-klaustroak, garai batean ideien eztabaidarako eta proposamenak... [+]
The liberal democracy of the Western countries has a growing appearance of a minimalist democracy. At the heart of the definition would be respect for changes in government through elections. The authoritarian variant of this was called competitive authoritarianism by political... [+]