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Gradually but always adding

  • COMMON FACTORS ENKORE Baga-Biga duration: 33´01´´ price: 11€
In recent years the Rekalde Bilbaíno district has become very popular for various reasons, including the presence of the emblematic Gaztetxe Kukutza and being here the winner of numerous musical competitions of Euskal Herria. So far, Eneko has released small albums, taught us portions, and now, yes, he's taken a long album with a collection of songs from his trajectory and from the present day. Melodic hardcore or punk pop, i.e. speed, force (youth) and round melodies are very present, but you can also find the intensity of post-hardcore, the U2 or Ken 7 pop-rock and more dancing melodies, as well as the metal footprint. And among them Aitor Uriarte (who if not?) a beautiful decorated ballad. Simple and very elegant design.
"Hobe hil, beti gazte ez izan baino"

Broadway gauaren paradisua bada, zeren paradisua da Euskal Herria?

Kresal usain gozoarena baliteke, ondo jatearena, herritar jatorrena, mendi ederrena? Egunez politagoa da gure herria.

Orain arteko lanak autoekoiztu dituzue. Hauxe, aldiz, diskoetxearekin atera da.

Aurreko lanak EPak izan dira, “Faktore Komunak”, berriz, luzea da. Lehenengo pausoak guk kontrolatzeko autoekoiztu genituen lan laburrak, gure ibilbidearen jabe izateko. Baina jabetu ginen iaz izandako oihartzunaz bakarrik ezin genuela aurrera egin.

“Zure ahotik ihesi doazen garrasien jabea nauzu”. Bazen ordua Gatibuz gain, beste batzuek ere kantetan poesia erotikoa idazteko.

Oso Gatibu zaleak gara! Eta baliteke oharkabean pentsatzen genuena baino gehiago eragin izana gugan. Gure bizitzako momentu jakin batean idatzitako letra da, sentimendu handiz egina. Ez dugu aldez aurretik pentsatzen zertaz idatziko dugun.

“Bizi bizitza... ez begiratu atzera”. Gaurkotasun handiko hitzak.

Bai, krisi puta hau guztion etxeetara heldu da eta Enkorek inoiz baino gertuago bizi izan du azken boladan. Negar eginez, deprimituz, galdu dugunaz ohartuz ez gara zulotik irtengo.

Zer lortuko zenukete “beti gazte” izanda?

Daukagun bizitzeko gogoa betiko mantendu. Hil arte, egunero jaikitzeko gogoa izan nahi dugu, maite dugunagatik borrokatzeko indarraz. Hobe hil beti gazte ez izan baino!

Hainbat lehiaketa irabazi eta taldea zabaltzeko sare sozial dezente erabiltzen dituzue. Zerk eman du taldea ezagutzera?

Lehiaketek ate asko zabaldu dizkigute. Gaur egun sare sozialak ezinbestekoak dira jarraitzaileekin kontaktuan egoteko. Kontzertuetara joaten direnei faborea bueltan emateko bada ere.

Zeintzuk dira taldekideon “faktore komunak”?

Adiskidetasuna, gaztetasuna, musikarekiko obsesioa, aurrera egin nahia, indarra, m.k.t., Z.K.H., Zer Garen? Enkore, Errekaldetik.

2025-01-30 | Gedar
Raimundo El Canaste will be sentenced on February 12
The song Beef D'Alda was created to denounce the authoritarian attitude of the City Council of Estella, in which they have been prosecuted. In addition to the proclamation of freedom of expression, the music group reports that it is organizing a program for February 8.

Bringing future generations on wheels in Vitoria
The Vitoria-Gasteiz cooperative, through its Vivienda Escuela initiative, has started this course to train the children of the schools to ride bicycles safely and independently in the city. It participates in the initiative together with the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and... [+]

Western embassies in the Congo seized on the jo-frontier during protests against M23
The 23 March armed group enters and takes control of the capital of Goma in North Kivu in the Congo. The expansion is advancing and is now targeting the capital of Bukavu South Kivu. The population has gone out into the streets to denounce the M23 and the support shown by Rwanda... [+]

2025-01-30 | Axier Lopez
Schools without mobile phones in Brazil
The invasion of screens in our lives has accelerated in recent years. In the Basque Country, on the one hand, we want “screens in Basque” to increase the audiovisual offer, and on the other hand, we organize ourselves to reduce the areas that have gained the most diverse... [+]

2025-01-29 | Julene Flamarique
Start an indefinite strike against the expulsion of 104 workers from the MFS company in Trapagarán
ELA and LAB reject the ERE and ask for its withdrawal. Both unions recall that in 2023 they managed to stop similar measures through mobilizations

2025-01-29 | Julene Flamarique
Morocco prevents representatives of the Basque Parliament from entering El Aaiún “without any explanation”
Members of the Basque Fund and the Basque Parliament travel to study the human rights situation in Western Sahara. They couldn't even get off the plane. The MEPs have called Morocco’s position “shameful and unacceptable.”

2025-01-29 | Leire Ibar
The trial of those accused of helping migrants cross the border in Corrika is postponed to October 7
The trial of seven citizens, scheduled to take place this Tuesday in Bayonne, has been postponed for eight months. In last year’s Corrica, crossing the Santiago bridge between Irún and Hendaye, the French Justice has accused 36 migrants of having helped them enter the... [+]

2025-01-29 | Aramaixo Bizirik
Assessment of the environmental report against the “Itsaraz” wind power plant
On January 16, the Ministry of Energy Transition of the Administration of Madrid published the environmental impact statement about the “Itsaraz” project that we were looking forward to and worried about. The resolution expresses a decision that is as firm as it is clear... [+]

The technology
The aesthetic of

This weekend I've been thinking about the word 'aesthetic' in relation to a phrase said by a friend: “This work is aesthetic.” I have studied the etymology of the word aesthetic, it seems that its meaning was originally perceived through the senses, and it was later associated... [+]

The personality

The other day in Bilbao, I met a friend at the Bira bar. We were very happy at the Tar and I said: “Of course, since you’re Guipúzcoa, hahahaha.” And he insisted that he was not Guipuzcoan. Without me understanding it, I kept saying, “Ah! Is it not? You were born in New... [+]

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