The course took place in Carballo, A Coruña. It was organized by the Coordinator of Traballadores de Normalization da Lingua, association of linguistic technicians in the area, and the University of A Coruña, for three days. It was an attempt to bring linguistic normalization into contact with social justice. To do so, they invited ecologists, immigrants, activists, feminists, to participate in favor of the rights of lesbians, young people, etc.
Betting on the Galician is fair, it's fair. And the Galician has to join other demands that are right. This is the main conclusion drawn by the organizers of the conference. At the very least, I have drawn other conclusions. Perhaps they may have a rather abrupt path to adapt to our linguistic situation.
On more than one occasion, the speakers and participants of the conference referred to the word self-confidence, in this way or otherwise (pride, empowerment…). The people who have worked for the Galician have so far worked in high-level functions: university, media, teaching, administration, justice… Looking at high-level functions and often demanding the administration.
But things are changing, albeit little by little. Here are the means of citizen participation created in the last year (Sermos, Praza, Dioivo), citizen participation schools (Semente, Galiza co galego initiative), new intervention models (Burela model), etc.
It was pointed out on the day that the time has perhaps come to take the slug. Maybe it's time to change strategy. This does not mean that work for higher-level functions should be suspended, it does not mean that the administration should not be asked for. Not at all. But perhaps the time has come to work on new lines of work.
So far, not enough attention has been paid to what is being done in Galician. No in-depth work has been done on the attitudes of the speakers, no direct work has been done on fidelity. And it's time to care for those who do it in Galician, it's time to protect them, because they are the real protagonists of normalization, the real sting.
The usual daily practices must be emphasized, the bellows of loyalty must be inflated. It is essential to have speakers who are full of trust and pride. Because every community has to take care of itself, govern itself. But for that, you need the speakers who believe in the community.
It is highly advisable to analyze the tools that have used other movements – movements with other fair approaches – and adapt them, as far as possible, to linguistic normalization: for example, empowerment strategies used by feminists, techniques of frustration of prejudice, ways of negotiating and fighting with the administration...
Objective: to create and protect model speakers. Everything he does in Galician, even if in part, is normalizing, driving change (or not) of language. Galician people have to internalize their normalizing status and adopt ways to change their linguistic attitudes. To do this, it is necessary to pamper these speakers.
Topics such as sustainability, language transmission, respiratory spaces, proximity, linguistic imperialism, horizontal networks, the Internet were also discussed...
In favor of differences and language, the experience in the days is not very different from what we live in our own. In some accounts, where Galicia is almost placed, the Basque Country can have the same result. However, it is enriched when other realities and concerns are received.
Burela Lugoko A Mariña eskualdeko herria da, 12.000 biztanle ingurukoa. Orain dela zazpi urtetik, Burela eredua izeneko interbentzio soziolinguistikoa ari dira egiten. Hizkuntza plan berezia daukate herri horretan.
Behetik gora egindako plana da, institutuko gazteek eta irakasleek bultzatutakoa eta udalak onartua aho batez. Horrez gain, partehartzailea da. Plana aurrera eramaten dute herriko gazteek, irakasleek eta herritarrek. Eredu horretan ez dago hizkuntza teknikaririk.
Orain arte, urtero gai bat landu dute: hilerriak, notariak, merkataritza, eliza, osasungintza, musikagintza… Hiztun berriei arreta berezia jartzen diete, baita etorri berriei ere. Radio Burela irratian Proxecto Neo irratsaioa egiten dute astero. Aldi bakoitzean galiziera nagusitan ikasi duen pertsona bat edo batzuk gonbidatzen dituzte euren ikasketa prozesuari buruz hitz egiteko. Burela ereduak hainbat sari jaso ditu Galizian eta Espainian berrikuntza pedagogikoengatik. “Modelo Burela” terminoa idatzita, eredua azaltzen duen ordubetetik gorako bideoa aurkituko duzue Interneten. ere multimedia materiala izango duzue aurki.
Hizkuntza bizia orain! egin dute oihu galizieraren aldeko milaka manifestarik Santiago de Compostelan (Galizian) joan den igandean. 2024ko hondarrean, azken inkestako datuek pozteko arrazoirik ez zuten eman: ezagutzak eta erabilerak, biek, egin dute atzera. Galera handiagoa da... [+]
A prestigious architect comes from London to a small Galician town. It is David Chipperfield, a building with offices in Berlin, Milan and Shanghai, and has a large team of buildings. An elegant, refined architecture, made by a Sir. The story begins in the village of Corrubedo... [+]
Matute wrote on twitter about statements by Feijóo in the Galician election campaign: “These people can’t win.” And they've won. BNG has risen a lot, everyone says. In TVE they say that nationalist parties do not have to be bad (they spoke of non-Spanish nationalism). They... [+]
"Sindikatuak enpresa zekenenak bezalaxe jokatzen du", salatu dute beharginek. 2014tik izoztuta duten hitzamen kolektiboa eguneratzea eta soldata-igoerak eskatzen dituzte.