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  • Harold


    Gor. Iraupena: 39´42´´

    Prezioa: 10€

Disko berririk ez 2006tik eta iaz 18 urtetako kantuez osatutako bilduma. Talde iruindarrak atseden luzea hartu zuela uste genuenok erratuta geunden, beraien ibilbideko disko landuena egin baitute. Ohi bezala, kantu berriek hardcore melodikoari jarraitzen badiote ere, jokorako aukeratu duten zelaia zabala da. Elkarrizketan aipatutako taldeez gain, Leatherface ere gogora ekarri didate, baina hortik harago pop-rock, emocore, garage, eskola zaharreko punk-hardcore eta bestelako eremuetan ere irabazteko asko dutela erakutsi dute. Bestalde, oso berezia da Triana taldeko Jesus De La Rosaren kantu enblematiko bat beraien esparrura ekarri izana. Batzuek hardcore melodikoa nerabeentzat dela diote; bada, ez legoke guztia galduta nerabeek kantu hauetako hitzei arreta jarriko baliete.
"Euskal Harria-k garrantzi handiko elementua izan beharko luke gure nortasunean"

“Egun baten munduak akabatuko dira”. Hainbesteko krisiak, ustelkeria, gerra... Ez al dago bukaera hurbilago?

Den-dena gaizki eta oker dago eta Arestiren hitz horiek inoiz baino errealistagoak direlakoan gaude, guztia bukatzear dagoela ematen baitu.

“Euskal harria” zama edo gotorlekua da guretzat?

Euskal harria-k gure nortasunean garrantzi handiko elementua izan beharko luke, sekula ez dadila fosil huts bihurtu. Gure elementu horiek guztiak modu onean hartuta, denboraren poderioz sekulakoak izan gaitezke eta bide onean goazela iruditzen zaigu.

“Haien historiak mutilatzen gaitu”. Hasiak gara historia gu idazten?

Kontua ez da guk idaztea, baizik eta gertatutakoa ezagutzea. Hainbat sasi-intelektualek saltzen diguten historia interesatuaren kontrako kanta da, umilatuen historia ezagutu beharrean gara.

Begiz jota dituzue beti “Harold” izena duten pertsonaiak?

Izen bereko pertsonaia errealak baina nortasun, bizimodu eta garai ezberdinetakoak. Harold Whittlesen soinua lehenbizikoz entzuten agertzen den argazkia topatu genuenean oso azala zuzena, sinple eta polita izanen zela iruditu zitzaigun. Azalaren argazkiak jarri dio diskoari izenburua.

Bad Religion, Ezin Izan eta RKL aspaldi tatuatu zenituzten zuen larruan?

Hiru talde horiek garrantzizkoenetakoak izan dira gure soinuan, taldean jotzen hasi ginenetik entzun eta gozatu izan ditugu. Haien estiloetan aitzindariak izan ziren.

Leihotikan begira, nola ikusten dira gauzak 19 urteren bueltan?

Taldeari dagokionez, 19 urte pasatu izanagatik ere ez dugu denboraren kontzientzia hori mantentzen. Ukaezina da hasi ginenetik gure bizimoduetan eta musikan gauzak zeharo aldatu direla, baina aldi berean beti iruditzen zaigu Leihotikan taldeari dagokionez hasiberriak garela, beti hastapenetan gabiltzala. Aspaldi honetan aisialdi eskasa izaten dugu taldean buru-belarri aritzeko, eta hala ere ilusioari eusten saiatzen gara.

2025-01-08 | Leire Ibar
Gaztetxe Hori Bai of Larrabetzu turns 60, the oldest in Euskal Herria
The Gaztetxe Hori Bai of Larrabetzu was founded in 1965, in the midst of the Francoist era. Since then it has not closed its doors and by 2025 it has turned 60. Under the slogan “60 years untied”, the members of the gaztetxe have begun the anniversary.

In Atarrabia, they decide to take their children out of the classes of a teacher: "She has terrified children."
The parents of Atargi College of Villava have denounced that when this teacher touches them, fear, nightmares, anxiety, crying… are generalized in children from 6 to 9 years old. Faced with the problem of the years, they decide to plant themselves in their classes. ARGIA spoke... [+]

2025-01-08 | Julene Flamarique
The first dead worker of the year, in the construction works of the Alavés-Baskonia headquarters
The operator, who worked for the company Excavaciones Mendiola, subcontracted by the company Construcciones Urrutia, has been transferred to the hospital. It was the first day of the worker in the sector.

2025-01-07 | Julene Flamarique
Esquiroz BSH workers return to work with the threat of closure on top, waiting for Friday's meeting
The multinational has already announced on 16 December the closure of the production plant in Navarra. The management of Esquiroz has asked the workers to deal with production "normally", but the unions have described it as "impossible". The Ministry of Labour has convened a meeting... [+]

As young people’s wages grow by 10%, prices have risen by 31% since 2010
In Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the monthly average of young employees aged between 18 and 34 years old has for the first time exceeded the EUR 1,500 barrier. Compared to 2010, however, there has only been an increase of EUR 142.

2025-01-07 | Leire Ibar
Sare will hold the national demonstration in Bilbao on 11 January under the slogan 'Definitely'
They have announced that they will demand the final end of the solution process and back home, and that they want the Basque prisoners to be at home. In order to receive financial assistance, they have launched the Bizumkada Nacional initiative.

2025-01-07 | ARGIA
Robert Hirigoien, one of the creators of Herri Urrats dies
Euskaltzaindia scholar Robert Hirigoien (Larresoro, Lapurdi, 1944) died on January 4 of the same year. The last goodbye will be given to you on Thursday, in your home town, at 10:00. He was one of the founders of the Herri Urrats festival and the Ote Lore association, which... [+]

2025-01-07 | Leire Ibar
The General Assembly of Baztan expresses its solidarity with the seven accused of paralyzing the work of Aroztegi
The General Assembly of Baztan has adopted a motion in solidarity with the Aroztegi defendants and calls for acquittal. At the meeting held on 2 January, the motion received 25 votes in favour, two against and three abstentions.

They propose to the far-right to form government in Austria, even though a barrier could be imposed on it.
The elections were held in September and the FPÖ was loosely imposed by obtaining almost 30% of the votes. There was the possibility of putting a wall on the right, but the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats have not agreed.

Smell of growing mouths
The demonstrations of the peasants throughout the French State have resumed. Despite the demands of the various trade unions, the first one that has been heard and that has been invited to the mainstream media has been the "dominant" FNSEA. What do you have to sell? A multitude of... [+]

2025-01-07 | Jon Torner Zabala
Inaugurated the bus service in Ipar Euskal Herria with the aim of improving mobility
New bus lines have been launched since 6 January in Zuberoa, Baja Navarra and Lapurdi. The frequency of services has also been improved through collaboration between the Mobility Union of the Commonwealth of Iparralde and the company RATP. On the other hand, Alaveses under 12... [+]

2025-01-07 | Leire Ibar
Calls for mobilizations to denounce Barakaldo's machist murder
The 84-year-old woman was murdered by her son on 3 January at her home in Bilbao. Several sources have indicated that the man died as a result of his neck injuries. On Tuesday afternoon, concentrations will be held in Barakaldo and in the four capitals of Euskal Herria.

2025-01-07 | Gedar
Other racist aggression in Biarritz
The assault was committed by an uber pilot, who was brutally insulted by a young client. Baiona and Arrigorriaga have also been the localities most affected by racist attacks in recent years.

2025-01-07 | Mikel Aramendi
The long shadow of the naval industry in the South Korean crisis
I wondered if the South Korean crisis was indigenous or imported when it got inflamed a month ago. Since the matter has calmed down and been offended, it is necessary to continue to seek a response that is not clear. Because, although geographically it is a distant issue, it can... [+]

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