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Rio+20: irabazleak eta galtzaileak

1972tik aurrera, hamar urtean behin, Nazio Batuen Erakundeak (NBE) Ingurumen Konferentziak antolatu ditu (1972-Estokolmon, 1982-Nairobin, 1992-Río de Janeiron, 2002-Johannesburgon, eta 2012an Río de Janeiron berriz, horregatik Rio+20). Azken gailur honen emaitzak hor daude: dokumentu ziztrin bat, Garapen Sostengarriaren Helburuak 2015erako atzeraturik eta finantziazioa eta Ingurumen Mundu Agentzia sine die.

NBE krisian dago aspalditik eta Rio+20 prozesuak egoera kritiko hori agerian jarri du. AEBek markatutako bidea mantentzen da: akordio global lotesleen aurka, estatu bakoitzak bere etxean ahal/nahi duena egitea, hobe. Paradogikoki, oso desberdina izan da, astebete aurretik Mexikon bildutako G20an erabakitakoa. Kapitalismoaren finantza-krisiak eskatzen badu 465.000 milioi dolar Europako bankuak altxarazteko, arazorik ez. Aldiz, Rio+20 akordioan 30.000 milioi (ia hamasei aldiz gutxiago) eskatzen baziren planetaren sostengarritasun politikak martxan jartzeko, hori ez zen zuzena. Hor ez dago dirua itzultzerik, beraz, ez da negoziorik egiten eta Rio+20 dokumentutik ezabatu beharra zegoen.

Europako Batasunak dioenez, Rio+20an ez bada ezer lortu ez da bere errua, hori G-77 (Hegoaldeko herrialdeak) eta batez ere BRICS (Brasil, Errusia, India, Txina eta Hegoafrika) taldearen erantzukizuna da. Herrialde horiek ekonomikoki sendoak eta hazkorrak dira eta ez dute ingurumen politiketan dirua ipini nahi, euren industriak ez direlako herrialde garatuetakoak bezain errudunak argudiatuz.

Bestalde, garrantzitsua izan da Brasilgo Gobernu anfitrioiaren jokamoldea. Desadostasun guztiak banan-banan eta buruz buru estatu bakoitzarekin negoziatzea testu onargarri bat lortu arte. Emaitza kaxkarrak eman ditu jokabide horrek. Vatikanoak berak inposatu du “emakumeen birsortze eskubideak” bertan behera gelditzea. Eta horrek Dilma Rousseff gobernuburuaren irudia nabarmen kaltetu du eta NBEren legitimitatea ere. Testu bat onarturik dago baina ez da inoren gustukoa. NBE enpatearen bila joan da eta galdu egin du. Zergatik?
Bada, konferentziaren hasieran, Gobernuz Kanpoko Erakundeen zein talde ekologisten arteko banaketa argi zegoen. Batzuek (erradikalak) ez genuen onartzen Kapitalismo Berdearen bidea eta beste batzuentzat (posibilistak) aukera bat zen kapitalismo marroi edo zikinetik alde egiteko. Bukaeran, emaitzak ikusirik, ez dago politika berririk, berba hutsak baizik eta horretan gizarte zibil globalaren aktore gehienak ados gaude: ez da berba egiteko unea, hitzak eta promesak soberan daude. Ekintzak eta aldaketak behar ditugu. hogei urte pasa dira eta egoera sozio-ekologikoa okerrera doa, beraz, batzeko unea da analisi eta alternatiba komunekin, Herrien Gailurrean gertatu den moduan.

Ez du zentzu handirik Ekonomia Berdea edo Garapen Sostengarria zer den eztabaidatzen jarraitzeak, ikus dezagun zertan ari diren gobernuak eta enpresak (lokalak, erregionalak, nazionalak ala internazionalak) egiten eta horren arabera egin dezagun kritika eta antola ditzagun ekintzak. Brasilen ikusi dugunez, Txinan eta Indian bezala, txiro askorekin batera, multimilionarioak daude. Eta, Europan gero eta pobretutako jende gehiago ere. Beraz, ahantz ditzagun herrialde kategoria horiek eta batu ditzagun indarrak bestelako mundu sostengarri baten alde.

LAB: “Welcoming migrant workers is a basic principle of class solidarity”
The Ipar Hegoa Foundation publishes the second study on union power. In 2016 he published his first edition and, therefore, you can now see the evolution between 2016 and 2023. LAB General Coordinator Igor Arroyo and Ipar Hegoa Representative Edurne Larrañaga have appeared at a... [+]

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Two families at risk of eviction in Burlada
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Iametza has translated the Ninja Forms plugin into Euskera to create WordPress forms
Seeing that the translation of the Ninja Forms plugin into the Basque language was handed over to create WordPress forms, Iametza has taken on the task of updating the translation.

What housing in 2025?
We've started a new year, but housing has become a very big problem in recent years, that's not new. However, in view of the data that have been released in recent times, it can be said that 2025 is about to mark a milestone, and unpredictable social and political consequences can... [+]

Côte d'Ivoire: Seventh African State expelling the French army
Last Tuesday, 31 December, Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara announced that he would break military relations with France following the earthquake in February. In the coming weeks, a thousand French soldiers will have to leave the country, according to the Department of... [+]

2025-01-03 | Leire Ibar
From 2025 onwards, rentals in Hego Euskal Herria will rise by a maximum of 2.2% in the renovation
The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has published a new benchmark on 2 January. Accordingly, rent prices may be increased to a maximum of 2.2% per year. This index is a consequence of the Housing Act which entered into force on 25 May 2023 and will only affect contracts... [+]

2025-01-03 | Gedar
An African-American person is beaten to death by jailers in a US jail
Robert Brooks was beaten by three officials with his hands tied behind his back. He died the next day, and the autopsy indicates that the cause of death was asphyxia.

2025-01-03 | ARGIA
A surfing teacher asks for 85 years in jail for child sexual abuse
The Prosecutor’s Office of Gipuzkoa believes that Hondarribia’s 40-year-old professor sexually abused eleven minors between 9 and 17 years of age between 2011 and 2021. He was imprisoned in 2021, after being denounced by six of his students.

2025-01-03 | Jon Torner Zabala
Spanish Football Federation
"We will use all the legal tools at our disposal to protect the rights of Spain"
As many expected, following the approval by the International Football Federation of the Basque Country as a full member, Spanish sports organizations, political parties or media have begun an offensive against the decision. On Thursday, the Spanish Football Federation announced... [+]

Painted in the courts and offices of CCOO and UGT to denounce the aggression against the Basque Country
After painting the Baiona and Donostia-San Sebastian courts, a painting was carried out on Thursday evening at the Eibar Court. The authors have written "stop the onslaught" and launched a green painting on the building, which has been demolished. In December, several offices of... [+]

Follow the anti-fascist akelarre

When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.


Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]

A probe passes successfully near the Sun
The NASA Parker probe has reached 6.1 million kilometers away on the first approximation to the surface of the Sun in its mission. It has thus become the closest artificial object to the history of the Sun. It has passed at a speed of 692,000 kilometers per hour, and the data... [+]

Kultur transmisioa feminismotik zikloa izanen dute asteburuan Beran

Goldatz talde feministak antolatua, ortziralean, urtarrilaren 3an, Jantzari dokumentala proiektatuko dute Beralandetan (17:30ean) eta biharamunean, urtarrilaren 4an, Berako bestetako tradizioak aztergai izanen dituzte Maggie Bullen antropologoarekin leku berean (10:30).

Eguneraketa berriak daude