At 1,200 light-years from us, they've found one star and two planets. The star, known as Kepler 36a, has consumed most of its hydrogen, as it is billions of years older than our sun. The Kepler 36b and Kepler 36c planets revolve around it. The first one is made of stone, 1.5 times larger than the Earth, and it takes fourteen days to spin around the star; the second one is totally gas, and it rotates around the star in sixteen days.
Every 97 days, these two planets pass at an extreme distance of about 1.9 million kilometers. In the Solar System, for example, the distances between planets are 30 times longer.
Normally, in these cases, the gaseous planet slowly eats the rest of the systems, but in this case it doesn't seem to be happening, and scientists don't know why this happens, which is, how two planets of such a different density move in balance. That is the mystery that needs to be clarified.
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