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Entomologia forensea XIII. mendeko Txinan

Duela 750 urte baino gehiago Sung T
Duela 750 urte baino gehiago Sung T"™zu epaile txinatarrak hilketa baten erruduna aurkitu zuen eulien jokabideari erreparatuta.

Hunan (Txina), 1247. Sung T’zu magistratu eta ikertzaile forenseak Xi Yuan Ji Lu (Bidegabekeriak zuzentzea) bost liburukiz osatutako bilduma argitaratu zuen. Auzitegietan epaile lanak egiteaz gain, Sung T’zuk (1186-1249) krimenen gertaleku asko zuzenean aztertu zituen, eta lehenagoko auziei bere esperientzia gehituta osatu zuen medikuntza forenseari buruzko historiako lehen tratatua. Europan, era horretako lehen lana argitaratzeko beste 350 urte baino gehiago egin behar dugu aurrera, Forturiatus Flaelis italiarrak 1602an idatzi baitzuen auzitegiko medikuntzari buruzko hurrengo liburua.

Auzitegi medikuntzaren aitatzat jotzen dena alor horren barruko hainbat espezialitatetan ere aitzindari izan zen. Esaterako, kriminalak harrapatzeko intsektu eta bestelako animalien jarduna aztertzea erabilgarria izan zitekeela uste zuen. “Hilabete beroenetan, harrak oraindik ez badira [gorputzaren] bederatzi zuloetan agertu, eta bularraldean, buruko larruazalean, lokietan eta zilborrean agertu badira, gorputz atal horiek kaltetuak daudela esan nahi du”, idatzi zuen Sung T’zuk. Eta harrei ez ezik, euliei ere erreparatzen ziela adierazten du bere lanean jasotako kasu batek. “Egun batez nekazari bat hilik agertu zen arroz sail batean, eta halakoetan maiz gertatu ohi denez, inork ez zuen gertatutakoa ikusi”. Magistratuak gorpua aztertu zuenean, arma hiltzailea arroza biltzeko erabili ohi zen igitai bat izan zela ondorioztatu zuen. Orduan, herriko nekazari guztiak bildu zituen, eta eskatu zien ilaran jartzeko eta bakoitzak aldamenean bere igitaia lurrean uzteko. Berehala nekazarietako bat jo zuen erruduntzat, “bere igitaiaren inguruan euliak jirabiraka zebiltzalako”. Igitai guztiak garbi-garbi zeuden itxuraz, baina Sung T’zuk ederki zekien odola ondo garbitzea oso zaila dela, eta giza ikusmenak antzematen ez dituen arrasto txikienak ere euli haragijaleak erakartzen dituela.

Entomologia forensea auzi batean aplikatzen hurrengoa Louis François Etienne Bergeret (1814-1893) mediku frantziarra izan zen, 1855ean, hau da, 500 bat urte geroago. Eta 750 urte igaro ziren, gehienok, CSI fikziozko telesaileko Gil Grissomi esker, intsektuek gaizkileak harrapatzeko balio dutela jakin genuen arte. Baina Sung T’zu izan zen berritzailetzat dugun teknika erabiltzen lehena; luminolik, latexezko eskularrurik, mikroskopiorik eta ordenagailurik gabe, gainera.

Seven Assailants of Baztan's Carpentry Call for Demonstration on February 1
The Spanish Public Prosecutor's Office and the company responsible for the work accuse them of the crimes of "organized criminal association" and of "serious crimes of coercion and coercion". In particular, they have called for a sentence of 20 years in prison and EUR 56,000 in... [+]

2025-01-21 | Julene Flamarique
Talaia Feminist concludes that in 2024 violence has “increased”
The 2024 study revolves around four main axes: machist violence; territory; war and armed conflicts; and the extreme right. Talaia Feminist has underlined the importance of socializing analysis and has underlined the importance of “accumulating resistance” in the Basque... [+]

50 years of potash strike

Today, January 21, is a day to remember and reflect on an interesting ephemeris of our recent history. It is 50 years since the lockdown of 47 workers from Potase in Navarre. This lockdown, which lasted fifteen days, caused a general strike in Navarre, the Department of the... [+]

Conversion of the military industry, ethical necessity

A couple of weeks ago, a number of data from Norway was published. In this country of Northern Europe electric cars have predominated, being the Tesla brand the most sold, with 90% of recyclable energy consumed there. On the contrary, Norwegian public enterprises have no problem... [+]

The Aibar public center will have model D
The Department of Education has announced the implementation of Model D at the public school in Aibar. After months of protests, the organizers have managed to get the line of defense in Basque.

2025-01-21 | Mikel Aramendi
Joe Biden and Marcus Garvey: When Forgiveness Humiliates Forgiveness
USA, Joe Biden, in the last few days of his term of office, has carried out a historic barrage that should mean the reading that should inevitably take place in the case of some of his well-known beneficiaries. Or is it not the fairness of justice, the “blindness”, the way... [+]

2025-01-21 | Hala Bedi
EKAITZ Samaniego (All in Da Haus) Here the only winners are political prisoners.
The three semi-finals of the All In Da Haus are now being held in Euskal Herria. The ninth edition of the freestyle competition has reached the gaztetxes of Oñati, Gernika and Hendaia. The organizers make a positive assessment of this road carried out so far, since "in these... [+]

The Moriarti also have the Gold drum
The Donostiarra producer consists of Aitor Arrangi, Jon Garaño, Jose Mari Goenaga, Asier Acha and Xabier Berzosa.

Children are prohibited from staying in the Deba library for most of the time
Children under the age of 6 can only be in the library between 16:30 and 17:30 hours, and children under the age of 2 are directly prohibited. They also suffer from other exclusionary measures. Blatant discrimination only alienates children from literature and many citizens are... [+]

Several genes related to depression have been identified for the first time in populations around the world
From the point of view of genetic diversity, the most extensive meta-analysis of all time has been carried out to identify genes related to the risk of depression. As a result, about 700 previously unknown varieties have been found and about 300 genes have been found.

State of emergency on the border with Mexico: Trump Starts Hunting Migrants
Donald Trump has begun his investiture speech saying that "the decline of the United States is over" and that "there is no turning back." Among other things, it has promised to put an end to the rights of trans and non-binary people, as well as to renewable energy policies.

2025-01-20 | ARGIA
Otegi at the head, "a new generation" will take over EH Bildu
On Monday EH Bildu launched the internal process of renewing the political bureau of the Basque Parliament. The Directorate proposes the list. Arnaldo Otegi will remain the leader.

Eguneraketa berriak daude