Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Urruti gabe

Antton Olariaga

Garai ezinago zaharretan, unibertsoa sortzen ari zen sasoi urrun hartan, lagun minak ziren mendiak: batera bizi eta batera ibiltzen ziren. Aro ahaztu haietan, itsaso bakarra osatzen zuten aintzirek. Adiskideak ziren animaliak.

Izarrak jaio, planetetan argia egin, eta mundura ur edangarria nahiz habitagarria heldu zen une zoragarri hartan, elkarbizitza koloretsuak gidatzen zuen izadiaren norabidea. Eta pinguinoen orkestra sinfoniko batek alaitzen zituen egunero animalien eta gizakien afariak.
Halere, ezelako abisurik gabe eta bat-batean, erabat transformatu zen mundu hura: goitik behera. Itsasoa galdu zuten ibaiek. Zikindu egin ziren elurrak. Itzali, suak… Arrazoia? Bi hankako animali zuri bat ekarri zuen oinaztarriak lurren eta itsasoen gainera: Errege jauna. Ona egin zen behazun. Txarra, zorne.

BI BEGIKO ESKOPETA. Marfila ebatsi, eta zigorra oparitzen hasi zen Gorentasuna. Urrea lapurtu, eta lan behartua ezartzen. Denbora librean, ankerkeriazko legeak asmatzen ematen ez zuen denbora horretan, matrail-hezurrera hurbildu begi biko eskopeta, eta tiro egiten zion Errege hark parean jartzen zioten orori: botila hutsa, baratzetako txorimaloa nahiz orgetako gurpila.

Ontzi eta trasteekin aspertu zenean, tiro egin zien anaiari, semeari, Afrikako zebrari nahiz Urdeetako zerriari. Ehizatu zituen gepardo jaspeztatuak, arrano beltzak, krokodilo negartiak, eta kobra txistulariak.

Gorteetako lagunak gonbidatu zituen ehizara, eta abiarazi zuen turismo deritzoten izurrite urbanoa. Hurbildu zitzaizkion apaizak, militarrak, bulegariak, bankariak, suhiltzaileak, kazetariak…

Bi begiko eskopetari esker, ehiztari abenturazaleak tiro batekin asmatzen ez bazuen, bigarrenarekin zartatzen zuen sarraskia. Eta, menturaz ez batarekin ez bestearekin asmatzen ez bazuen ere, esker oneko izan zitekeen, zeren –lurra zenez ezinago aberatsa– tiro alderraiak eragindako luberrietan petrolio putzua irekitzen baitzen –edo mea: diamantezkoa, ikatzezkoa, kobrezkoa, uraniozkoa, nikelezkoa…–.

ELEFANTEAREN ESKEA. Tembo elefantearen kexua eragin zuten mandatari haien desmasiek. Simba lehoiaren haserrea piztu zuten zaku hautsirik gabeko diamante-biltzaile haiek. Nyati bufaloaren amorrua ekarri zuten turistek, errekako uretan ahaztuta uzten baitzituzten kalekume gaixoek argazki-kameraren bateriak.

Ezinegona esnatu, eta sabana osoa matxinatu zen: nor bere aldetik, batasunik gabe. Saiak borrokatu ziren airean. Sugeak eta dortokak, uretan. Antilopeak eta ganbeluak, lurrean… Finean, lasto-sua, hura dena.

Ad aeternum-eko bidea hartu, eta izugarri luzatu zen eztabaida animalien artean: zer egin? Atzeratu egin zen denentzako balio beharko zuen estrategia komunaren diseinua… zer egin? Geroratu, behazunezko olatuaren kontrako taktika zehatzaren onarpena… zer egin?
Baina, azkenean bai: bat etorri, eta esan zuten animaliek ezen, dena goibeldu eta erori zela bat-batean gizaki-klase berri hura –errege eta akolitoena– sortu zenez geroztik. Sabanaz sabana zabaldu zuten, ezen horien eskutik etorri zirela zornea eta eritasunak oro. Halere, zer egin?

Indarrak batu eta gizaki-klase berri horren aurkako fronte komuna eraikitzeko, mikrofonoa hartuta, grabe-grabe, han bota zuen Tembo elefanteak bere aldarria: fuera errege, urruti gabe!

The Health System eliminates a nursing position in the Valley of Roncal
Amparo Viñuales, mayor of Roncal, has denounced that since the clinics of Roncal, Burgi, Garde and Bidankoz will have to reduce attention, it will have an impact on prevention.

2025-02-14 | Euskal Irratiak
David Gramond
“Gizartea beldurrarazteko baliatu zuten tortura, militantziari uko egiteko”

Otsailaren 13a Torturaren Kontrako eguna izanki, Euskal Herriko Torturaren Sareak gutun publiko bat igorri du. Poliziek torturatu euskal jendeen lekukotasunak bildu, eta aitortza egiteko xedea du sare berri horrek Euskal Herri osoan. Torturatuak izan diren 5.000 pertsonei... [+]

2025-02-14 | Sustatu
Translator research: how does advanced machine translation affect Basque?
The Cluster of Socioluinguistics, with the collaboration of several institutions and in the work elaborated by Asier Ambeka, Eduardo Apodaka and Asier Basurto, has published the results of the project called Itzulerem. They have studied the influence of neural translators... [+]

Lava de Pamplona, a short farewell to return with renewed strength in September
This Saturday the Hostal Laba will close in the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona and, curiously, the closing will be celebrated with a party of the whole day, since the farewell is not definitive: Lava will join the adjacent Windsor Bar, the works are about to begin, and will... [+]

2025-02-14 | Gedar
In Munich, a union demonstration is captured and at least 21 people are injured by a man
Using a vehicle, Ver.diren takes the protesters who were at a protest in front of them. A few days ago, a white supremacist murdered 11 people in Sweden.

A man arrested by the Civil Guard in Amurrio for laughing on social media at the expense of two dead agents
"Dead police, the best fertilizer for the garden," the detainee wrote on social media, and his profile has more than four million followers, the Civil Guard said.

Ernai will hold the Youth Meeting in Berriozar from 17 to 20 April
It will be held in Berriozar (Navarre) under the motto Jóvenes, because the organization believes that more and more young people are joining the fight for independence. It has been proclaimed that the meeting point is more than a "simple initiative": “It’s a way for young... [+]

Hamas has finally confirmed that it will release three hostages on Saturday
While the risk of a ceasefire break has been real throughout the week, both sides are on track to reach a consensus that more hostages would be released by Hamas because of Israel’s “promise” not to obstruct the path of aid into Gaza. The peoples of the Arab League will... [+]

Reflecting on the present of yesterday’s philosophers

Epistemology, or theory of knowledge, is one of the main areas of philosophy, and throughout history there have been important debates about the limits and bases of our knowledge. Within this we find two powerful corridors that propose different ways of accessing knowledge: The... [+]

"The conditions for the execution of the tortures remain intact," Ask reports
On the occasion of the day against torture, the organization Libre held a press conference at the Palacio de Justicia in Bilbao. It has been alleged that the conditions under which torture is practised still persist today.

Environmentalists recall that there are alternatives to drilling in Aralar in the face of threats of expropriation for AAV
The alternative that would connect Navarre with Ezkio-Mar would involve the drilling of a 22 kilometre tunnel inside Aralar, with a cost of 1.3 billion euros. However, the municipalities of the many towns where this link would pass, as well as the neighbors, have obstructed the... [+]

The trial against the group Raimundo El Canaste has been postponed for more serious accusations
The trial, which was due to take place on Wednesday, has been changed due to a last-minute appeal filed by the mayor of Estella. The group is now also accused of “inciting hatred” and its members face up to four years in prison.

The Spanish Congress approves the PP initiative to delay the closure of nuclear power plants
The Junts and the ERC abstained in the vote and the non-legal proposal presented by the people was put forward with the votes of the PP, Vox and the UPN. The closure between 2027 and 2035 would mean an increase in the useful life of the seven nuclear power plants of the Spanish... [+]

“Interference of the judiciary” denounced in San Sebastián in relation to the issue of the Basque language requirements of local police
In January of last year, the judges annulled two local police posts with a B2 requirement, considering that applying for Basque could be "discriminatory", and in the previous week, the Superior Court of the Basque Country has decided not to consider the appeal filed by the City... [+]

Institutional responsibility for the protection of children

We learned this week that the Court of Getxo has closed the case of 4-year-old children from the Europa School. This leads us to ask: are the judicial, police, etc. authorities prepared to respond to the children’s requests? Are our children really protected when they are... [+]

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