I wanted it, I wanted it, I wanted it ...
The desire to be insatiable demands adventure and adventure requires curiosity. Curiosity distinguishes zombies and living beings, not a certainty that prevails above all.
Yes, tell me that insecurity brings freedom.
Our greatest borders are neither in the police, nor in the state, nor in the International Monetary Fund: they are in us. We're terrified of the precipice, but we're not scared of the abyss, we're afraid of learning to fly to unfamiliar places.
We just needed that. Sign up for flight courses!
All societies and religions have tried to put an end to desire. What is consumption, if not desire placebo? We are killing desire, but surely the next will be the revolution of desire.
You will be the placebos of the crisis. In these times, take out a disco-book...
If we are to fall, let it be from the twenty-first floor. When you fall from the first one, you have to take 2,000 kicks to die.
The ego of the musicians is above the 20th floor, compete!
Five flowers raise your self-esteem, but with twenty you run the risk of beautifying yourself. Put your foot in when your legs don't reach the ground. Human beings are better prepared to deal with negative criticisms than to receive excessive flowers.
Now I understand why ...
Music and the mountain are my two passions, and in the world of music many more people have died than on the mountain. Let them say that alpinism is a high-risk sport!
But at the same time you are so special, so guayabos, so kind, so real, so...
Never confuse an artist's apparent work with his daily character. My favorite musicians are sons of whore in life, but I care about a radish, it's not what they are, it's what they do.
Less bad than before you get on the stage you transform yourself!
Many artists say: “I am the same on stage and at the bar.” All right, then we'll see each other in the tavern. It takes me to transform, to leave the ego in the cameramen. The Ego is a series of limits that we put on ourselves.
I mean, a well-told lie is beautiful.
Concerts are nothing more than contemporary rites, and we are a kind of shaman that causes people to pull out all their shit.
Greenland, the end of the 10th century. The first Scandinavian explorers and settlers arrived on the island. But by the 15th century these settlements had been abandoned and the original Inuit remained. But in 1721, the missionary Hans Egede organized an expedition and the... [+]
Nafarroa Arenan Mitoaroa ikusten izandako lagun batek “telurikotzat” jo zuen entzun-ikusi-sentitutakoa. Niri ere hala iruditu zitzaidan telebista medio etxetik hauteman nuena.
Pentsa daiteke Mitoaroak piztutako grinak eta atxikimenduak proiektuaren ikusgarritasuna... [+]
Zirkulazioan lehentasunek garrantzi handia dute. Gidatzeko ikasten dugun lehen gauzatakoak dira: biribilguneak eta STOPak menperatu ezean nekez lortuko dugu gidabaimena.
Hala ere, lehentasunak ez dira kontu neutroak, eta historiak eta interes kontrajarriek aldatu izan... [+]
Since Benito Lertxundi, who told us that he will leave the scenes for ever, we have been there for several weeks, and since then many of us have felt orphans in one way or another, with a sense of loss or abandonment, sad. To Iruindarro, at least, we will remain forever honored... [+]
There are three knots that complicate our coexistence in the Basques, and for many years, despite our patience and determination, we are unable to break free from these ties. There are at least three knots of the moment: prisoners, Basque, immigrants.
With the new year we are... [+]